Its time for another video for you.

This video won’t be for everyone who is reading this right now, but it will be here for future reference for those that don’t need it at the moment.

Some of you are going through some pretty tough times.  For some of you, it is something that you suspected that you needed to let go of last year.  This was part of your own path and choices, but some of you are feeling very angry and resentful with the way things ended up; you are feeling like certain aspects of your life were ripped away from you (money, relationships, job).

This manifests in a lot of anger and resentment and feelings that life is not fair.  How could he or she or they do this to you?

self hypnosis meditation

This is a wonderful Hypnosis by Michael Sealey.  You can listen to it when you go to bed tonight and allow his words to permeate your subconscious.  You don’t need to stay awake ~ as a matter of fact it will likely make you fall right asleep.  A welcome thing for those of you who are so stressed you aren’t sleeping properly.

When you listen to self-hypnosis while sleeping it can more easily get the ideas into your subconscious.  If you were to just try and ‘talk yourself into’ releasing anger and resentment, you would counteract all your ‘affirmations’ with negativity.  That is simply how the human brain works.

By listening to this while asleep, your ‘conscious brain’ cannot counteract the positive words in the hypnosis session.

So, give it a try, you have absolutely nothing to lose; but you just may find that tomorrow morning you wake up after a refreshing sleep and feeling a LOT better.

Hypnosis for Releasing Anger and Resentment with Guided Forgiveness

If you try this, go ahead and leave me a comment below, I’d love to hear how it worked for you.

With Love

~  Tamara

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