Just wanted to post a little update on what was going on with me, my life and my readings.

I have started to work my way through my waitlist now, but I’m not doing as many readings per week as I was doing before. I want to thank everyone for their kind words and loving energy over the past few months.

We all face challenges in our lives at some point, no matter who we are and it is important that we learn to listen to what our bodies and our surroundings are telling us. As I wrote in my last blog post, change happens. We can chose to hang on to the old and perhaps make ourselves suffer or feel uncomfortable or we can embrace the change and look forward to a different, yet more comfortable existence.

This is where I find myself now. In a space where I feel like I still want to help everyone. I am having a hard time letting go of doing one-on-one psychic readings. It is who I am, and what I have always done. It has been a large part of my life for a long time.

I appreciate each and every one of you who I have had the opportunity to connect with over my years of doing psychic readings. Without you my life would have been very different, and I love my life. I also appreciate everyone who takes the time out of their day to read this blog.

Along with some of the changes that are going on with me personally sometimes comes a feeling of fatigue. I wish I could help everyone, but being in human form myself, I must respect my physical limitations.

I have been told to cut down on the amount of readings I am doing. These days, when I do too many at once I find I get so tired that I sometimes cannot function fully for a day or three. I know darn well that one of the reasons I physically got to where I did is because I wasn’t listening. It is hard to listen to what our soul (via intuition) is telling us when it tells us to make big changes in our life. We get accostomed to what we have always done and it can be oh so hard to let it go.

I started this blog in hopes that it will be able to help those that wish to help themselves. I am only one. I do what I can, but I cannot help everyone one at a time. Hopefully what I write here and what you read here will help you on your path in this life.

I cannot do anything for you. With my readings comes gentle guidance. What you do with the information presented is and always has been up to you. I am hoping that by starting a blog and sharing with you, you will be more equipped to face your own challenges, learn to listen to your own intuition and to help yourself. It is my desire to be able to be of more help to more people by doing it this way.

I get somewhere around 1000 emails each week. Some weeks even more. Not all the emails I get are requests for readings, or are emails that I must write a reply to; however, these are the emails I must at least read or give some attention to. I don’t know how many there are that go through my spam folders, I quit counting those a long time ago. I am not writing this as an excuse, just trying to give a bit of an explanation on why it sometimes takes me longer than is courteous to get back to you.

Upon closing this post, I once again would like to say Thank You, I appreciate you.



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