What an amazing time we are going through. The energies right now sure seem intense to most of us. Last year was a time of letting go for most, and this year has been a time of exploring new things. This can be really uncomfortable for those of you that do not embrace change. Please trust in yourself and your process and allow yourself to take those baby steps. As with all journeys, you will not get anywhere unless you take those first steps.
Shifts like the one we have been going through this year can bring about physical symptoms also. There are many who are feeling a little dizzy or disoriented, or who are having mobility problems. Even the cold and flu are impacting a lot of us (I myself had a bug). Our DNA is changing, we are becoming lighter, vibrating at a higher frequency. Sometimes it is hard to accept what we do not understand. As much as you need to be stepping forward into your new life, you may also need to allow yourself to be physically rested.
This is not as contradictory as it seems. Sometimes stepping forward into your new life simply involves allowing your creative side to shine through. Dream and dream big because all of your wishes and dreams can and will come into your life. Keep it positive. Allow yourself to say “What if?”
What if I could have anything, what if I could do or be whatever I wanted? The beginning of any journey starts with an idea, allow your positive ideas and affirmations to shape your future. The energies of our planet and our human race support growth, happiness and love. It is only by allowing yourself to dream and move forward that you can realize anything you want.
Even as I was going through healing from the cold I had, I had to rebook a couple of my reading appointments and spend a lot of time resting. On the one hand it felt like I was not doing much ‘work’ because I was spending so much time just sleeping or reading. On the other hand, while I was sleeping I was doing a lot of work on a soul level. Also, by resting and reading and just hanging out, I was able to focus on the things I that I want in my life. There’s no better time for self-evaluation and dreaming and creating than when you can’t physically do much else.
The whole point of being on earth is to live life, create, have experiences and share love. Please, as we go through this transition, just allow yourself to BE.
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