Feeling crappy doesn’t help anyone
If you can help, then help. If you cannot help, then at least work on raising your vibration and feeling better. We are all one. If you feel bad, it DOES impact the entire planet on some level. You need to be as happy, positive and grateful as you can in any given moment. Your sadness will not aid the planet. You being poor will not feed the hungry. What you have does not DETRACT from anything anyone else has. You having MORE and being happier actually helps. You being healthy does not make someone else sick. You being well fed does not take food out of someone else’s mouth. You being happy does not make another sad. You being stuck and disempowering yourself will not help others to rise up.
No one else can take your power. Only you can give it away. You may say “yes, but the government, or my husband, or my parents, the banking system…..” the list goes on and on for who you can blame. I stand by the statement that only YOU can GIVE your power. NO ONE can take it. Ever heard the phrase “You reap what you sow”? What you think is what you feel, what you feel is what you vibrate. If you are constantly blaming and disempowering yourself, then you are indeed reaping what you have sown. The really good news is that you can change it. You can change your thoughts. I understand how hard it can seem to shut down your mind ~ so many things to do… however, all it takes is a few minutes. Just sit, just BE. Take some really big (and I mean BIG) deep breaths and focus on your body and your breathing, think only of them. You cannot have more than one thought in any millisecond. If you are focused on your breathing and/or your body, you cannot possibly be focused on something else. If you find your mind wandering, that’s okay, just bring it back.
In order to get more of what you want, you need to feel good. Did I say that already? I will say it again and again and again because it is the truth. We all know those people who say “Oh, bad stuff always happens to me”, or we stub our toe in the morning and say “It’s going to be one of those days”, and then we spill our coffee, are late for work etc. YOU are creating that. What if when you stubbed your toe, you allowed the experience to bring you back into your body, your awareness. What were you thinking about at the time? Your higher self is trying to tell you something. Don’t let it snowball into a bad day. Become aware of whatever you were thinking and change your thoughts, your feelings, the energy behind it. There are so many opportunities that show up for us to remind us to be present, be aware. We’ve been rather programmed to be on auto-pilot. Take every opportunity you can to feel good. “Thank you for me stubbing my toe. It reminds me to BE”. Just a simple switch of perspective WILL change your whole day.
I talk to so many people that are broke. They say, “I don’t want money, I just want to be happy”. I want to help people, I want to do this or that, I wish I could afford to talk to you. All in the same sentence. It makes no sense. At the moment, we live in a system that involves money. If you had more money, you would be able to help more people. If you are broke and feeling badly, then who exactly are you helping? Keeping yourself down, or feeling “less than” isn’t helping anyone. Shine your light, speak your truth.
I also talk to a lot of people who want a relationship. When I’m connected with their energy, I can feel where they are vibrating. So many say “I want a relationship”, yet their vibration is one of lack, of dissatisfaction, of living in the past, of loneliness. You CANNOT attract a positive relationship from this state. Sometimes people who are vibrating low like this ask me “When will I meet someone”. The type of answer I get is always different for each person, but it is similar. You can potentially meet ‘someone’ quite quickly. The message I get behind it, the message that I share, 97% of the time with this vibration is; “if you work on clearing _____ (usually, but not always it’s a past relationship with either an SO or family member), if you step into ______ part of your being, if you adjust your thoughts (and therefore vibration) to ______, then you will be able to meet a person that you can be happy and grow with.
At this point, you create your own future. You can work on what your guides and Source has shared with you, or you can say Tamara is full of sh*t, and go on your way, and get into a relationship that is just as crappy as the last one you had. The choice is so very much yours.
You can have what you want. You staying stuck in your lower vibration, and hooking up with someone who is vibrating at a low place won’t help you, it won’t help them. You being UNHAPPY in a relationship WILL NOT make the other person happier. Don’t give away your power to someone who does not want your “help”.
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Good One! I think we are in sync at the moment. I am working with this, and the vortex 😉