Stop letting people tell you that “you can’t”. Stop telling yourself you can’t. YOU CAN SO. You can do pretty much anything. It will take some ACTION but you can do it.
We are so programmed to think we can’t do things. It’s ridiculous. It’s SAD. Start being more aware of your thoughts and you will realize that you probably say ‘I can’t’ many times in a day. You are probably also told by others that you can’t.
Think about it for a minute. Let’s say you are thinking of switching jobs. You have an offer or opportunity but you have a pretty decent paying job now that is as secure as they come these days. You have been thinking about moving on for a while, but have been afraid. You think about it, and say “I can’t change jobs, I have a good one now, what if the new one doesn’t work out”. Well, first of all, if you don’t move or make a change, nothing will ever change. Praying for change won’t do a dam thing if you are constantly thinking ‘can’t’ and you refuse to take some action. So what if it doesn’t work out? You get another job and change again ~ unless “you can’t”. YOU CAN. If you can do it once, you can do it twice or more. Why not? What would stop you except for your thinking that you can’t do it?
My son wants to change schools next year. I have been asking him about his motivations for changing in order to help him with his choices and decisions. He’d be entering grade 9 and still needs some direction from me. I am certainly NOT going to just arbitrarily tell him ‘you can’t’. I truly cannot think of a good reason why to say no. I also will NOT tell him he can’t change back if he does not like the new school. What would I be teaching him if I told him “Okay, but if you make this decision you are stuck with it, you can’t change again later”? I am actually quite proud of him that he is brave enough to think about making such a big change at this time of his life. He’s got lots of friends at his present school, and is having no issues. He’s not trying to run away from anything, he’s trying to experience new friends and something new. Not something that a lot of us can easily do. In this situation, I REFUSE to tell him “you can’t”. If he were to change and hate it, I would not say “You can’t change schools again” ~ if I were to do that, he would likely never be brave enough again to make such a big move.
What about where you are living? I know at least 3 people in my immediate sphere of family/friends that are very unhappy living where they are living. Very unhappy, miserably unhappy. All 3 of them constantly say “I can’t” move. They have valid excuses (I mean reasons), why they can’t move. But with all three it would be doable if they really wanted to move and used their repetitive thoughts FOR themselves instead of AGAINST themselves. They are so used to saying “I can’t”, that they are unable to see a way out. They have completely shut down their inspiration and ability to create new situations. Every time they think about moving, they lower their vibration by focusing on all the reasons why it wouldn’t work. All it would take for them is removing the statement/constant affirmation “I am unhappy here but I can’t move”, and replacing it with “I don’t know how I can move, but I can, and I am happy”.
Two of the three people I am talking about are aware of and kind of use the law of attraction, and positive thinking route. But it’s not been working for them, all because of a little phrase “I can’t”. I guarantee, that if the phrase was to change from “I can’t”, to what I wrote above, inspirations will start flowing. Pretty much everything in our lives has started with an idea or an inspiration. Nothing shuts down inspiration more than that “I can’t” phrase. The minute you say that you shut down 100% flow from the Universe.
By saying that you don’t know how you release the resistance of trying to figure it out. If you could have figured it out, you would have done it by now. When you use this statement , you free yourself up to get inspiration and ideas from your Guides, Teachers and Angels. By saying I can and I am happy, you raise your vibration and allow higher vibrating thoughts and ideas present to you.
Saying you can’t do something and being afraid of change and movement will keep you stuck. Imagine if you had done this your entire life, from the time you were born. Imagine if when you tried to walk your parents said “No, you can’t do that, you might hurt yourself!” It sounds ridiculous but that is what you are doing to yourself every day. If you weren’t you would have what you wanted by now.
If you truly couldn’t do it, you wouldn’t be doing anything that you are doing now. You wouldn’t even be reading this because there was a point in time that “you couldn’t”. Everything in our lives starts with an idea followed by inspired action.
Sometimes changing (jobs, homes, life), can take some time. It’s not always instant. Maybe you really can’t “right this second”, change your living situation for whatever reason. Thing is, that if you change the way you think, you CAN get there over time.
When I first started working out hard two months ago I couldn’t lift a certain weight, I couldn’t do quite a few of the extreme boot camp exercises we were doing. I didn’t say “I can’t do these exercises”. I did not go in on the second morning saying “I’m doing it today”, that would be silly (talk about a useless affirmation). It truly was a case of “I can’t”, physically it WAS impossible. BUT ONLY IN THAT MOMENT. NOT ONCE did I say “I can’t do this exercise” to my trainer. Not once. There were a few times where I said “is there an easier way for me to start to work the same muscle group, this particular exercise is physically hurting me” ~~ notice my focus was on what I COULD do, not what I couldn’t do.
Every morning that I go to work out I am so freaking happy to be there. I visualized, focused and affirmed for over 6 months that I wanted to be able to afford to attend that gym. Every week, I get stronger, I can do more. Things that my body was not capable of before are now easy for me. It’s called practice. The more I focus on what I do, the more I can do. I still “can’t” run. It hurts me. I don’t say “I can’t run” though. I say, I want to be able to run, I will keep working at it and getting stronger UNTIL I can run. I am putting my focus on what I want. If I only focused on the fact that I can’t run, I would never be inspired to try, to get stronger, to work towards my first run.
The rest of life is like that too. You need to focus on what you want. You don’t have to know how to get it, let God and the Universe take care of that. First, you need to stop saying you can’t, and you need to believe you can. Once you do that you will get ideas coming in for you that are ‘out of the box’ of where you would normally think. Then, the next and for now, the MOST IMPORTANT step ~ TAKE SOME ACTION when you get the ideas. Just like I cannot sit on my ass at home and THINK about working out and get stronger and fitter, you cannot sit on your ass and THINK about what you want to do without doing something to get yourself there.
You CAN do it!!
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great article! thanks for sharing – yes, it is confusing when people who “seem” to believe aren’t getting anywhere….
Thanks Summer,
In 2014 our ability to Consciously Create is magnified by bazillions (yes that much!)
I am really excited about all the NEW stuff that is happening, and really excited to keep sharing. Together we will do it!