Look within to create the life you want.
The Law of Attraction is real. It isn’t often taught in the right way, but it does exist. Thoughts are things, they are energy, energy creates. What we think about is what we attract and create. What we focus on we create. We ARE creators, we are creating our lives every minute of every day. No exceptions.
The big difference between those of you who get what you want, and those of you that don’t, is all in how conscious you are of your creations. You can choose to create consciously, or unconsciously. And YES, it is a choice.
It is actually very simple, but most of you cannot be bothered to consciously create. You think it is easier to blame fate, or the economy, or any person or circumstance other than yourself. I am NOT suggesting you blame yourself. I am suggesting you take responsibility for what you have created thus far. The minute you take responsibility for your creations is the minute you take back your power.
By blaming you are essentially saying to yourself “I cannot create my life, everything that has happened or is happening, is the result of something outside of me”.
Did you know that over 90% of the thoughts you will have today are the same thoughts you had yesterday, and the same thoughts you will have tomorrow? That is a LOT of thoughts, and a lot of creation. The problem occurs when you are thinking these thoughts and going through your day on auto-pilot. You may wake up to your alarm and think “I don’t feel like getting out of bed, I’m so tired, I wish I could go back to sleep”. That is a thought that is beginning to create your day for you.
You may start getting ready to go to work and think “I hate my job, my boss is such an ass. These customers all think that the whole world revolves around them and they can be so unkind”. More creation on your part.
You are driving along, and traffic is bad, or you see someone speeding or cutting someone off (or you are the one speeding through traffic and are thinking about how slow everyone else is), as you are having those thoughts, you are creating. Creating more of the same traffic woes.
You get off work, think of the day you had and wonder “Will I ever get rid of this debt that I am working to pay off? I work and work and still have debt, this is BS, I want to be debt free”. You think you are focusing on being debt free, but really, you are still focusing on your debt, and, you guessed it, CREATING MORE DEBT!
If you want your life to be different, you have to do something different. In order to do something different, you have to start thinking something different.
Is to start being aware!!! Get yourself off of Auto Pilot!!
As long as you keep allowing your brain to rehash the same thoughts, to allow your subconscious mind to create for you, your life will just stay the same. I guarantee it.
You must live in your present moment. You must become aware of your thoughts. When you find yourself on auto-pilot, bring your energy back into your body and your present moment. Remind yourself that you are creating your life with your thoughts.
The first day you try this, you will probably do it for a couple of minutes, then wind up back on auto-pilot. Then a few hours later, you might remember that you were supposed to be aware and you might be able to live in your moment for a few more minutes.
Here is the good news. If you can manage to do this even for a part of your day, or for a few minutes a few times a day, you will find that it will get easier as time goes on. Just as most of the thoughts you have today, you will have tomorrow, as you practice awareness today it will be easier to do tomorrow. If you are diligent with it, you will find that within a month, you will be much more aware of most of your thoughts.
Then as things happen in your life, you will be able to see exactly how they were created. How YOU created them. Take credit for the good you start to see in your life. As you become more aware, you will find that synchronicities and coincidences happen more and more. You will find yourself saying “I was just thinking of that, and there it is!” Good, bad or indifferent, you will see how your present moment was created with a thought. Thoughts are things, they are energy, energy creates.
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Great post. It’s so true, most people live their lives on autopilot and blame outside circumstances for everything.
I was just at Costco today and the lady behind the counter was telling us that some lady came into the store asking for a refund on a TV that she just bought. So the lady behind the counter said “Okay, sure…so where is the TV?” and the lady said to her “It’s on the highway.” LOL.
Apparently the lady bought a TV, and it was too big to fit in her car properly so she had it sticking out of her trunk and the TV fell out of the car while she was driving on the highway…
… so what did she do? Well, she blamed Costco for it. LOL.
Talk about not taking responsibility eh? That story really cracked me up today.
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