In my readings and my blog posts I often refer to “Vibration”. When I say Vibration, I am talking about the energy that is emitted by something. I thought I would write a post to explain vibration so that when you read or hear my words you will know what I am talking about.
Everything has a vibration. Every person, every place, every thing, and every emotion, all have a specific vibration. You have felt it. If you have ever walked into a place and felt immediately uncomfortable, or immediately welcomed, you have felt the vibration of a place.
Often you will meet someone and feel immediately at ease, or you may have a ‘weird’ feeling, like they are creepy. This is because of the person’s vibration. If you meet someone and they are vibrating from a fairly high place, you will feel comfortable. If they are vibrating from a lower place, you will feel that as well and may be uncomfortable around them.
Some people have a hard time going into hospitals, they say “I hate hospitals, they make me uncomfortable”. When they say that it is because when they go in they feel the vibration of ‘hospital’. There can be a lot of grief energy in a hospital and some are more sensitive to it than others. The maternity ward in a hospital has a different vibration than the emergency ward.
If you have ever walked into someone’s home and immediately felt comfortable and at ease you are picking up on the vibration of the home itself and the people that live there.
Even rocks, or tables or jewelry, or trees have a vibration. They vibrate in a different way than living things do, but they have a vibration. That is why some people with practice can “talk to nature” ~ they can go to a place in the forest and feel the vibration of the forest. Or they can hold an object and feel the energy of the person who wore it (this actually has a name “psychometry”).
Vibrational Scale of Emotions
Our emotions have vibrations as well. If you want to feel your happiest in life and attract positive things to yourself then one of your main goals needs to be to vibrate as high on the scale as you can. You are not going to be at the top of the scale all of the time, but you can work your way up the scale at any time.
You can see from this scale that if you are feeling depressed (depression is anger turned inward), then getting angry would be higher up on the scale. When you are feeling depressed you are disempowered. At least if you move up to anger you will feel a little bit more powerful. I don’t recommend staying in anger for a really long time, but it can be an improvement. You will find it easier to get to a more neutral place from anger than from depression. And it is much easier to get to a place of optimism from a place of neutrality than from a place of anger.
With Awareness Your Vibration Becomes a Choice ~ Where Are You Choosing to Vibrate?
Now that you know about vibration where you chose to vibrate is your choice. Sometimes a person or a situation can throw you off for a bit, but it is your thoughts that create your vibration, and it is a choice how long you decide to continue thinking the same thoughts. It only takes 67 seconds of attention to any subject (feeling), to change your vibration. I wrote a blog post a while ago titled “Seven things you can do to feel better and improve your mood” ~ if you are unsure of where to start, you can start with one of the things in that post.
Or, you can make a decision to stop letting your habitual thinking patterns run your life. You have the choice and the power to think what you want to think. It takes practice. You need to check in with yourself and ask yourself how you are feeling. If you are not feeling as good as you would like, then it is time to change a thought. JUST CHANGING ONE THOUGHT (at a time) CAN AND WILL CHANGE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.
I also wrote a blog post about how you lower your vibration without any awareness at all of what you are doing. This is how many people wind up with full-blown depression.
A Quick Start on How To Clear Out Negative Vibrations in Your Home
Sometimes our homes get all gunked up with lower vibrating energies too. We have people that visit us, or live with us that come into our spaces and bring some denser vibrating energies with them. Or we get sick and lie on our couch for a few days watching television and sleeping and wind up with some denser energies in our living rooms. It is as important to clear out your home as it is to clear out yourself.
As you do the things on this list make sure you also hold the intention that it is clearing out the energies in your house.
- Open your windows and let the rooms air out
- Clear out some clutter
- Move your furniture around a few times a year (if you don’t have enough space to
- change it then just move it for a day or overnight).
- Bang pillows, shake blankets and move things around
- Sprinkle salt in the spaces that are a little denser (where you were lying while you were sick; the space an upset friend sat when they came over; the place where you or someone else plants their butt every evening). Let the salt sit for a few hours or overnight and then vacuum it up. You don’t need very much, just a few pinches. Salt is really good at sucking negative energy out of spaces.
- You can buy some sage and smudge
This is just a ‘beginning’ list, but if you do one or a few things from this list, you WILL notice a difference in your space.
As you take notice of your energetic vibration and the energetic vibration of the places you live or visit, you will begin to become more aware just how much you are/were letting external things impact you. You really do have control over how you are choosing to feel.
Try some of the things in this blog post then leave me a comment and let me know how it felt for you.
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Tamara, this is an excellent summary/explanation of energetic vibration. I learned a couple of new tips to revive positive vibrations. Thanks for the share!
Thanks Nancy, glad it helped 🙂
I absolutely LOVED your post…I am a huge believer in vibrations and how they affect humans as well as animals. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Lisa
Thanks Lisa!