Some days it seems like everything in our lives takes a big effort. Other days things just seem to flow for us and we wonder what all the fuss was about on the other day(s).
It doesn’t even really matter what the subject is, sometimes things are easy and sometimes things are tough. Sometimes its our attitude, sometimes its our circumstances, but what it comes down to is how willing we are to allow ourselves to get through something.
Successful people are willing to do what others are not
For example, today I am tired. I have talked to so many sad and afraid clients over the past week and I’m feeling a little ‘off’ myself. I know what I need is a good clearing meditation and maybe a nap. But, I also have a blog post to do today, AND another client in a bit. So, the nap will wait, and probably just turn into an early night. I have some really good excuses not to write today. I’ve had some other really good excuses for not writing this year too. Thing is, they are just that, excuses. I said I was going to blog every day, so I am. I may end up taking a few days off from blogging later this week (or over the weekend), but that will be a decision I make. I have taken part in two 21 Day Blogging Challenges so far this year, and the next one starts next Monday. So, as I said, if you don’t hear from me for a few days , I am taking a small break before I re-start.
Here are some common things people say they want
– To lose weight
– To be healthy fit and strong
– To have a better relationship
– To develop their intuition
– To make more money
– To have a better/different job (or start their own business)
Do you want any of those things? A different thing? What is it and …
What are you willing to do to get it?
You absolutely must be willing to take some action if you want any of those things. You will never get what you want if you are unwilling to do something about it.
You must do it even when you don’t feel like doing it. If you don’t you will never get to where you want to be. You can create your life, but you can’t sit on the sidelines while you are doing it.
Is there something that you know you should be doing right now but that you are putting off?
If so …. Go do it …. right now … no more excuses.
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