Here is your Angel Card Reading for this week.
For the Beginning of the Week, Your Angel Card is:
Courage – Archangel Ariel: “Be courageous, and stand up for your beliefs”
“In this situation, you need to act upon your convictions, even if others disagree. I’m protecting you from harm, and guiding you to be a loving warrior of light. As you stand up for your beliefs, you’re a role model for others. This is an important form of spiritual teaching, in which your example gives others courage to also stand up for their own principles.”
Your Angel Card for the Middle of this Week is:
Prosperity – Archangel Ariel: “Your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.”
“I’m pouring a cornucopia of prosperity upon you and your life, and ask that you open your arms to receive. Some of the treasures will come in the form of brilliant ideas, and some will come as opportunities. We’ll work together to realize your highest dreams, and I ask that you give any worries to me. God and I love you very much, and are happy to help you in this way. We know that you’ll pass along the goodness to others as well.
Your Angel Card for the End of this week is:
Moon Cycles – Archangel Haniel: “Notice how the moon affects your energy and manifestations, and capitalize upon these cycles.”
“The full moon is a perfect time to release anything you’re done with the new moon is the time to focus on manifesting desires and intentions, and the evening before the full moon is optimal time for healing, and for recharging healing instruments such as crystals and oils. Spend time looking at the moon, and notice how you feel in relationship to its cycles. As you discover the moon’s connection with your vitality and mods, you’ll be more in touch with its Divine magic.
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