I have an answer to that question. Some of you will be happy to hear it, some will probably stop reading after I reveal the answer. Either way, I hope it helps you.
So, how long does it take to heal? The answer…..
da da da
as long as you expect it to based on your perceptions, beliefs and life experience. Really, healing can be instant.
Physical Wounds
I have been healed from three separate physical ‘issues’ instantly. As in one minute I had them, the next minute I didn’t. THREE TIMES. I will admit to you that one of the three didn’t ‘stick’ after 2 years, but the other two have not recurred in upwards of 4 years. These were ‘unfixable’ things. Unfixable except for surgery or years of physiotherapy.
One of the things about physical healing is that sometimes it is our body warning us of something (ie. a pain). Another is that there are certain diseases or pains or injuries that will happen in certain parts of our body that point to an energetic (thought) imbalance. You can refer to this book by Louise Hay for more information on that. There are times you will need to heal an emotional hurt before a physical hurt can heal.
How long does it take to heal emotional wounds?
This depends on your state of mind. Your thoughts, your willingness to see a different perspective.
- If you feel like a victim you will take longer to heal.
- If you try to impose your will onto someone else it will take longer.
- If you continue to tell yourself over and over that it hurts, its hard, you won’t get over it for a long time, it will take a long time.
- If someone has told you it will take two years, and you believe them, it will take 2 years.
- If you dwell in the past it will take a longer time.
- If you constantly focus your thoughts on unrealistic expectations of what things ‘should’ be like, it will take a long time to heal.
- If you go see a therapist that lets you go on and on and on about how much your life sucks it will take a long time to heal (or maybe forever, I’ve known many people who never “heal” from therapy ~ they start and stay in therapy for the rest of their life).
- If you affirm over and over “I will never get over this” ~ guess what ~ you will never get over it.
How to help yourself heal yourself
Thoughts are energy. Thoughts are things. Intention is EVERYTHING. I’m sure I’ve been saying this in my blog for years, and its true.
- The first thing you need to do is allow yourself to cry or kick or scream or whatever it is you need to feel and get out of your system.
- Get in the habit of being able to sit (or stand) and breathe really deeply and relax your body. Meditate and ground your energy. In order for your body to hold anxiety and stress your muscles need to be tight. So relax your body, your state of mind will follow.
- Practice awareness. Be very aware of when you are talking negatively to yourself and stop it in its tracks. You will know if you are talking negative to yourself because you will feel badly. So get in the habit of when you feel badly, you stop and pay attention to what you were just saying to yourself.
- Find affirmations or things to say to yourself that you can believe. If you can’t believe them they will be worthless to you. Don’t say “I feel good” if you feel like crap. It is perfectly reasonable to say “I know I won’t feel like this forever, I will feel good again at some point.” Your thoughts/words are things and will create your next moments.
- Read this post and see if you can feel better for Just 5 Minutes.
- Keep yourself distracted if you can. If you have something you do (hobby, work, exercise), that keeps your mind off your troubles, then do more of it.
- Come to the realization that YOU create your life. No one else does that for you or to you. If you created this (whatever hurts), you can also create better.
You need to talk yourself into holding a belief that you will get past this. How long it takes will be a very individual process. Maybe you need to do it on your own, or maybe you will need help. Just remember thoughts are things so keep them positive and forward looking.
If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.
If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.
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I am very aware of my body and its behaviour at times of stress and pressure. I get kidney problems when I am up against something and can usually remove the problem fairly quickly with focus. My back is a different issue completely. I have suffered for 20 years and no amount of meditation or technique I practise has any effect. If you have any suggestions an email would be so welcome.