Don’t be fooled by those tiny elephants, they will mess you up every time. What do tiny elephants have to do with empowerment, goal setting and personal development? They are everywhere and if you keep falling for their tricks you will be constantly spinning your wheels, wondering how you will get it done, and be stuck doing things you’d rather not do.
I first heard about tiny elephants about 25 years ago, and I quite regularly ask myself if what is coming up is a tiny elephant, or if it is something that is a good thing no matter when it presents.
What are tiny elephants?
Tiny elephants are those things, that when you first decide they might be a good idea seem like they are so far off in the distance that they are no problem at all.
Just like an elephant that is very far away on the horizon it seems like a small thing. As it gets closer and closer it gets bigger and bigger, and more daunting and scary. Its not so far off now and you realize that it is not what you first thought.
You can relate these tiny elephants to goal setting or saying yes to projects.
Tiny elephants while setting goals
Lets say you set a goal to run in a marathon next spring. You have a whole year to train for it. You tell yourself you are going to do it, sign up for it and involve some friends. Suppose its a really rainy cold April and you don’t get out and start training. Then summer comes and it feels too hot to run. Then the fall hits, and now its getting cold and snowy. You still aren’t training to the extent you should be to be fit for a marathon in a few months. You think you still have a lot of time though. Then its February and that goal seems huge and undoable now. What seemed small a year ago (tiny elephant), is now right in front of you, and it is immobilizing because it is just too big now.
Or maybe you want to lose 50 pounds. In order to make it easy for yourself you set your timeline as 10 months from now. Because you have 10 whole months to do it, you put it off and put it off. Thinking that the ‘end date’ is so far into the future, that you have a lot of time. Then all of a sudden you realize you only have 7 weeks left to go before your date is set, and your “elephant” is huge and looming.
Tiny elephants and committing to a project
Lets say a friend asks you if you can help them move house 6 weeks from now. You think, sure yeah, I can do that. I wouldn’t do it if it was this weekend, but I can do it later. Then as the date gets closer, the ‘elephant’ gets bigger. The day before moving day you realize that you don’t have time to commit a whole day to that, or that you aren’t strong or healthy enough to help. It was so far away when they first asked a long time ago, it seemed like such a small thing to have to do.
Or your boss comes up to you and asks you to take on a big project. They tell you that you have 2 months to complete it. You are pretty swamped at work, but two months seems like a long time.
The energy behind tiny elephants
When you are trying to consciously create the life you want it is important that you act from integrity. Do what you say you are going to do. If you are constantly creating in your life by looking at things as if they were very small just because they are a long way off you are setting yourself up for stress and possibly failure.
Get yourself in the habit of looking out for tiny elephants and setting yourself up for success. When you are presented with something like this, ask yourself if it is something that you would do now. If you can’t see yourself doing it now, chances are you won’t do it in the future.
If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.
If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.
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