When I wake up in the morning, I usually lie there for about 10 minutes (sometimes much longer), and I stretch and think about all the wonderful things that I have (get) to do that day. If I don’t have any plans, I think about all the things I could do if I want to. I thank God for all the things in my life. For what I did yesterday, and what I can do today. I try for excitement and sometimes get it, but there are times I can only muster gratitude. I always have something to be grateful for ~ waking up at all is a good one. 🙂
What do you do when you wake up in the morning? How do you start your day?
Do you say “I’m not a morning person”, grumble, pull the covers up, and wish you didn’t have to start at all? Think about how you wish you didn’t have to get up and face your day? Think about all the stuff you have to do that you don’t want to do?
Generally speaking, do you not spend at least some of your time waiting for tomorrow to come? If you are waiting for your tomorrow to come, what is the point of starting your day with the negativity that comes with “I’m not a morning person”. Remember, you are a creator, what do you think you create with negative thoughts? What you think at the beginning of your day, when you wake up and imagine what is coming next, is what will create your day for you.
Gratitude is very important
If you cannot be grateful for what you have, you are not likely to get anything more.
Here is a very simplistic example: I give my son $20. He takes it, grumbles something at me, and then proceeds to tell me how $20 isn’t enough. He starts to list off all that he can’t get with that $20. The more he thinks about it, the grumpier he gets. Pretty soon, he’s stomping out of the house complaining that he doesn’t have enough money.
What do you think the chances are that I will willingly, and lovingly give him $20 next time? What is the point? It won’t be enough, he won’t be grateful, he will complain about what he doesn’t have. I will be unmotivated to ever give him another $20.
For the record my son has never done this and likely never will ~ he knows how energy works and he’d simply wouldn’t do that to himself. Notice those words ‘to himself’. Not ‘to me’. I am not responsible for how he feels. That’s his job and he knows it.
So when you wake up in the morning, do you say “I’m not a morning person”, “I hate my stupid job”, “my family is ungrateful and stressful”, “I have no money (or relationship, or ???)”, “I wish I didn’t have to do this today”, “I don’t want to get out of bed for this lousy life”.
If this is you, essentially you are telling God that its not enough. You are shutting down the flow of more. Why would God give you more if you bitch and complain about what you already have? It might sound ‘weird’, but seriously that is how energy works. You want a better job, but what would be the point of the Universe providing it for you. You keep saying that what you have isn’t enough. What would be the motivation of the Universe to give you more?

Mt. Cheam out my office window on a cool February morning.
Try saying some or one of these things to yourself before you get out of bed, and just observe the improvement in your life over time:
- I am alive, I am alert, I feel fantastic!
- I am going to make this a really good day
- What will my perfect day look like? (then see yourself living that day)
- What can I do today that will get me closer to my goal(s)?
- I love my family (and then think about all the things you love about them)
You could also read this Affirmation Prayer, it covers off a lot of positive things you can tell yourself to start your day.
Here is a list of what NOT to do. These things will just bring you more of the same old stuff that you don’t want.
- DON’T review yesterday and see all the places that you failed to reach your goals (ie. I ate too much yesterday, I didn’t get my exercise in, I had a bad day at work, I fought with my spouse etc.). Remember you are creating your day. Your NEW day, TODAY. What you think about is what you will get more of.
- DON’T imagine going into the kitchen and fighting with someone in your family. If you do that, your energy will precede you and you will get an argument. Bring your energy to your heart centre instead. Project love ahead of you. When you feel that, nothing external can even touch you.
- DON’T take an inventory of the ‘wrong’ things that people around you do. This is a killer. The more you focus on the ‘wrong’ the more ‘wrong’ you will see. ‘Wrong’ is a matter of perception, stop looking for it.
Simply get in the habit of practicing gratitude and being in your heart, and you will find that your creations look a lot like what it is you want for yourself.
If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.
If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.
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