I have a lot of friends and clients that tell me they are very intuitive, but they are not ‘psychic’.  They have enough intuitive insights that they have no problem at all acknowledging that part of who they really are; you are comfortable saying “sometimes I intuit things”.

If you are reading this, chances are, you find yourself to be intuitive.  You have dreams that come true; or you think of someone you haven’t seen in a while and they call you, or you bump into them a couple days later;  you have a feeling about something and later find out your feeling was right.  There are many examples, and I am sure that you have experienced them in your daily life.

you are a lightworker

The Top Differences between a “Psychic” and an “Intuitive”

  • There are none.  There is no difference.  Those of us that say we are psychic, have embraced and practiced our gifts enough that we have 100% trust in our messages and we know what we know, and we know we don’t know everything.
  • It is only the picture you hold in your head of what a psychic looks like.  Think of what a psychic in a movie looks like; none of us want to admit to presenting ourselves to the world like that.
  • You think that a psychic knows everything.  If you don’t know everything, you think you are not psychic, you just have a really good intuition most of the time.
  • You think you cannot ‘read’ for yourself.  You think that if you were truly psychic you would know it all.  This is not true either.  If you can get your ego and thinking mind out of the way, you will get all kinds of information for yourself.

You see, it is just a perception that you hold in your ego mind of what a psychic should be.  You can hold yourself back into being “intuitive”; that way you won’t ever have to ‘prove’ anything to anyone.  You can stay small and discount messages that you get.

It doesn’t really matter what you call yourself, you are psychic, we all are.  If I am honest, I will admit that I considered calling myself an intuitive because the word psychic scares some people.  But really, it is just a title that we give someone.  I am psychic.

Most humans are really stuck on titles.  Nothing in your life has meaning for you until you label it.  You label it as ‘intuitive’ because it enables you to block a portion of it.

If you look online, you may find that ‘psychics’ charge more than ‘intuitives’ charge.  It is because some intitives have not fully embraced their gifts and SOME use that word to stay smaller.  People who label themselves as psychics are very clear about who they are, what they do, and trust the messages they get.  They can be very effective in helping you in your life.

You see, psychic ability and intuitive ability are exactly the same thing.  It is just a label.  We all have it, we all do it.  It will simply just depend on your willingness to practice and trust your gifts more.




If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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