There are synchronicities everywhere, all you need to do is acknowledge them. If it is a true synchronicity you don’t have to really look for them, all you need to do is practice awareness and you will begin to see more and more of them everywhere.
My guides have told me that most of the time the synchronicities are more than mere coincidence; more often than not they are messages from Spirit. Your loved ones, angels, teachers and guides are always trying to help you in a non-obtrusive way. They won’t force you into anything, but they will often gently push by showing you synchronicities as a way for you to begin to listen to your intuition.
Some synchronicities come about because when we were in Soul form, we planned our lives, and allowed for the opportunity of synchronistic events to help show us when we were on the correct path(or easiest path, rarely are we on the wrong path, some are just harder than others).
When you dismiss synchronicities as they come, you end up seeing less and less of them. There are some that are really hard to ignore though. Such as seeing repetitive numbers (11:11), or names; especially if it is your own name.
The most common reason you see, or hear, or meet people with, your own name over and over
I asked this question of my guides and they were more than happy to give me an answer to share with you. This phenomenon is getting more and more common for many of you and it is generally good news. One of the reasons it is appearing to more of you is because of the planetary and dimensional shifts we have all been collectively going through.
If you keep seeing your name when you rarely ever saw it before chances are you have been going though a bit of a rough patch, or through some very big changes. Things have probably been very up and down and all around for you. Like a roller coaster or merry-go-round. You feel okay a lot of the time, but stuff just keeps cropping up for you. You’ve been working on releasing old stuff that doesn’t work for you so that these recurring themes that had plagued you will stop and you can move on.
Seeing your own name over and over is a sign that you are on the right path and that things will be getting more and more comfortable for you.
A lot of you who are seeing your own name are light-workers yourselves. You already know you are slightly different, but up till now you may have thought it was not safe to ‘be yourself’. Maybe you have been afraid to acknowledge to yourself, or to others, how you really feel. You may feel a ‘disconnect’ from some of these worldly ‘problems’ that seem to have other people all upset. You know to the core of your being that large parts of what you see and hear out there are illusions. You know things can be better for our planet, whether you know precisely what that would look like or not.
Think of being “comfortable in your own skin” or with who you are ~ your name.
If you landed on this page because you Googled “why do i keep seeing my name everywhere“, I hope this has helped you understand that you are doing okay, you will continue to be doing okay, and to keep loving yourself, and embracing all of who you really are to the core of your being.
With much love
If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.
If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.
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I Love this post! Great explanation as to possible reasons why we keep seeing our name! Coincidences Are Unlikely indeed!
Thank you right on point, and that was just another confirmation that I have received, but this really opened my eyes and the vail was pulled back from my face and yes I’m on the right track because what iim doing far as moving on which has been a long time coming. Being friends is ok by me if not so what . I’m encouraged Thank You
I happy this helped 😊💕
Perfect post at the perfect time 🙂 thank you!
You are very welcome <3
Wow. This was so powerful. I just started my spiritual journey and I started to see my name everywhere so I googled ” why am I seeing my name everywhere and this was the first article that popped up.. by TamaraHawk… and my name is Tamara.. omg chills!. thank you!
Haha, thats awesome! 💖😊💕
I just found it bizarre that I kept seeing my name pop up everywhere only because I have an unusual name..from my perspective
I just wanted to say that this article relaxed me in a way I’ve never felt before. I was calm before I read this, but now I feel more connected to everyone here and it’s totally relaxed me even more. I have been seeing my name everywhere, the last 2 weeks probably 50 times, and thats never happened before. It all started about a month ago when I was lying in bed drifting off to sleep and I heard my name whispered in my ear. It was as if someone was lying down right next to me and whispered “Ryan” into my ear. And I was all alone so it was very odd.
Thank you so much for sharing. I am really happy to hear that my words brought you some calm 💕🙌💖 Sounds like someone is looking out for you 🫶
I keep seeing my name in the clouds
That’s pretty cool 😊
Thank you very much Tamara, this was just perfect. I can’t find the words to describe how this touched me to the core.
I’m really grateful, thank you again for being you and for having done this post.
I’m sending you lots of energy 😀
P.S. sorry if I said something not so perfectly, I’m italian 😀
Thank you Alida,
I’m so happy this was helpful for you. (and your words were perfect),
This message spoke directly to me, thank you!!
You’re very welcome <3
Haha this is so encouraging! I keep seeing my name but wasn’t really that aware of it as synchronicity until I heard two songs play that had my name in it, one after the other in the most unexpected place! Then I saw it on vehicles, etc. I thought it was only numbers until I read this post. Thank you so much! 🙂
You’re welcome <3
I have been hearing and seeing my name absolutely everywhere. I have only met a couple of other Joannas in my 31 years, but the last few months have been so intensified. A grocery store checker named Joanna, parents calling children named Joanna, characters on TV named Joanna, an actress I randomly decide to look up because the plot of an old TV show is so much like my life ends up being named Joanna, characters in books name Joanna, revisiting a favorite diner from childhood and noticing for the first time it’s on Joanna Street. It has actually happened so much I started to listen to the old Kool & the Gang song I was named after that I could never make it through as a child (I was too embarrassed to hear about someone loving Joanna SO much). So I have listened and tried to reclaim it, to be happy to be named after such a loving, romantic song. And then my coworker texted me today to tell me that a visitor at the place we work is walking around singing, “Joanna, I love you….” in a basso profondo. So I googled “why do I keep hearing my name everywhere.” I am having a rough patch, feeling like I should already be the best version of myself. I feel like I have been given so many resources but I always feel so tired and kind of sad.
So anyway, it was nice to read this and feel affirmed. I feel like I already knew that the universe was calling me, I just don’t really know how to answer the call.
Same thing for me. I see and hear my name everywhere. At first it scared me but now I’m trying to figure out what they are trying to tell me.
I wish I knew.
I keep seeing/hearing my name everywhere. Like an every day thing. It has me feeling like im going to die for some reason
Hi Vanessa,
Often when we feel afraid, and fear death it is because our Root Chakra is out of balance. Our Root Chakra is our base of Safety and Security. Here is an audio that may help you in balancing this chakra and help you feel better.
Thats what I was thinking at first. I thought maybe thats just what everyone experiences when they’re within a few weeks of their death day, they keep seeing their name everywhere. Its really odd, I have never experienced anything like this before. Ive been seeing my name all over the internet and on TV, way too much to just be coincidental. But cheers to you, I hope you’re happy and healthy and I wish you many blessings.
Hi I see double numbers all the time. And I met this guy and I no longer talk to him but I see and here his name everywhere.
I am feeling so alone lately and definitely know there has to be some light at the end of this tunnel I feel stuck in. I knew seeing my name all the sudden and oddly enough catching the clock at 11:11 had to mean something. I hope that it’s right and things will start looking up for me soon. I don’t think I can go on much longer like this. Thank you for giving me some hope.
This was so very true.
I am grateful I came across this article, with all the negativity that has been going on on my social media I know understand why I don’t respond or feel bad that I don’t care for it. I was wondering why I kept seeing my name, 1st it was on a book then on an article that I came across. I am synchronicity obsessed so I knew there had to been a reason why I kept seeing my name. Thank you for this Article.
I too am feeling very much like Shannon above (July 12, 2017 at 5:19 pm), and so vulnerable and alone. A series of events led to a major relocation for me, I also was experiencing 11.11 synchronicity’s for months prior to my large change, but nothing could prepare me for the events that unfolded, so I cannot help but wonder what the point of the synchronicity was? I too am surrounded by such negativity and misery, it’s exhausting trying to shield or combat it. And now this weirdo synchronicity name thing all over the place over the last few days, I’m too exhausted and consumed with regret about where I am, any hope contained within these synchronicity’s are beyond my grasp at the moment.
I agree with Vanessa R above (August 16, 2017 at 7:31 pm), and her death associations. Only, no fear, I’ve felt as though I am being called home, and I’m so tired, that’s strangely a relief.
Thanks Tamara <3 and wishing you light and love Shannon^
Hi Kathleen, often the synchronicity is to remind you that you are not alone. It is your peeps (guides, angels, loved ones on the other side, etc.), reminding you that you are not alone. Talk to them, ask them for help. They will help if they can.
Sometimes we need to remove ourselves from people and situations that are draining us. Even if we feel that we can’t, maybe it is time to start thinking of ways you can?
You do have support and love around you, try and get some rest and allow for some tiny baby steps in the direction you want.
Remember, the synchronicities are like your helpers reminding you to focus on what you WANT (Not what you presently have) and saying “You can do it!”
With love,
Wow, don’t know about being a light Walker or what really means,but I am very aware and spirital,I have been constantly seeing my name and 11:11 surrounded in my girlfriend family the name Paul is there,with friends my spiritual brother has and closet friend has my first and middle name as does my boss with my middle name.Was scared it was a warning too see these regular occurrences in a major way of my life.This was very inspiring and enlightening anything that you have to add to be greatly appreciated thank you beforehand.
Did you see this post on 11:11 and other Angel numbers as well?
I see it every where,and I am aware but mine is different than that of a simple light Walker,I have met the angel and God and given a name
Hey im David I have alike situations but people say david is a common name any taughts?
Hi I met what I feel is my twin soul several years ago we are separated now, I would see his name everywhere and 11 11, now just recently I have been seeing my own name alot do you know what this could mean
What does it mean to consently see your Name and another persons name like Katherine and Thomas everywhere? I met a guy with that name month’s ago. Now i have not seen him since but his name everywhere. I see it everyday. I dont think about him because it was a short intruduction between w as and that was it I have not seen him since. Only the name thomas. What does it mean?
I know this is from 2015 but holy shit dude I hope you’re right. It’s insane how much my name has come up in the past month or so. And I’ve been trying so hard to grow and really be myself and be genuine with everyone in my life. I could not have seen this at a better time.x even the song I’m listening to right now. Shit dude I swear I’m not crazy. Anyway, this is a genuine thank you for this post!
I’m unemployed right now and at a crossroads in my life. To past the time, I watch a lot of TV. I enjoy old westerns. Lately, I’ve been hearing my name (“Charlie”) more often than I can remember. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, now its starting to scare me. Am I going crazy over the stress, or is it a sign? I’m running out of time. I must choose one path or another.
I did indeed come to this page by googling ‘why do i keep seeing my name everywhere’ and your helpful and positive answer has put my mind at ease and lifted my spirits too…thank you
This was an extremely beautiful and enlightening response. Thank you!
That is what has been happening to me and that is what I googled because I am aware this is no common occurrence. I see my name literally everywhere. I used to see it along with a heart on rocks; that was a terrible time in my life. Now is challenging and my father just passed away. I’m older and struggling to find a job in the field I just trained for. I used to see it on rocks but now I see it everywhere. So thank you for this Tamara.
I googled “why do I keep seeing my name everywhere” because my name (Tamara) is not the most popular yet I have been seeing it many, many, many times each day for about a month….and low and behold the article I click on is authored by a…. wait for it….Tamara!
Incredible….thank you!!!!
Omg thank you so much honestly I might cry thank you thank you thank you
Just want to say “Thank you”. First it was all the angel nos. popping up and now my name… l was never scared but extremely intrigued. Where will all this lead me to, if indeed l am a “light-worker”? It will be interesting to find out. 😊
You are so welcome 💖 Keep seeking and learning 💖
I have a YouTube channel as well as this blog where I over time teach pretty much everything I know 😂❤️💕
Hi, Tamara, I hope you see this… In the summer and fall of 2018 the number 44 was bombarding me. At first it made me feel good, safe, as I believed my angels were letting me know they were around me. By August, however, I started feeling a dark heaviness. I told my husband, as well as my children (all in their 20s), that I felt like something really bad was going to happen, but I likened it to an earthquake or another natural disaster. Or a plane crash, something along those lines. The #44 was increasing in appearance and every time I saw it, I thanked my angels for having my back, although it was giving me anxiety not being able to figure out what they were protecting me from. Just a few months later, my husband had a stroke. Prior to this, he had been diagnosed type II diabetic, but aside from that, very healthy, freakishly strong and athletic (3 1/2 yrs NFL, former long drive golf pro). All the tests to find out where the blood clots came from were negative, which has been puzzling, and it caused something called Wallenberg Syndrome which is rare and why it happens is unknown. The ensuing year has been extremely tough on both of us, however, for me, not only was I caring for him and doing all the driving to all the drs, etc. plus taking care of the puppy I got for him for Christmas – and doing EVERYTHING else – but I also began caring for my daughter’s 4 yr old and 3 month old infant when she went back to work this past summer. Thankfully my husband was eventually cleared to drive and go back to work; if not for this Wallenberg Syndrome he would be 100%! I thank the good Lord and all the universe for that as I am SO grateful! However, these last few months I have become increasingly unhappy. I feel lonely, though I’m not alone; unloved, though I know I’m not, and my usual optimism seems to be waning. In early Dec I saw a tee shirt online that read, “Good things are coming, Life is good.” It instantly spoke to me so I bought it. I had been praying for some time for help and when I see this shirt’s message, I feel that familiar optimism, however brief. (I’m wearing it now.) But around the time I bought this shirt, I started seeing/hearing my own name which has become more frequent of late and in such a way that I know something/someone is trying to get my attn; it seems to vibrate at a louder frequency, if that makes sense. Like others that have posted their comments here, I also felt fear that maybe this time something was going to happen to me, although I haven’t felt the heavy darkness that I felt before my husband’s stroke. It took me a little bit, but I finally came across this site and reading that hearing your own name may very well be the universe telling you you’re on the right track is a comfort and a RELIEF! So thank you for posting this information, even though it was years ago! It’s the only one I could find & I’m happy to have found it! God bless you, Tamara 🙂 I’d love it if you would expound a little more on this subject or point me (us) to more information on hearing your own name and/or synchronicities, so helpful! Thanks again! Love & Peace XO (PS, I’m watching the Nat’l Dog show and the last 2 handlers’ names were Michelle lol… and I just got a mail notification from the company that I bought my shirt rom – Life is Good!)
I just came here to find out why I see my name everywhere and I saw my name again. Hi fellow Michelle ❤
So I really would like the chance to chat with you. Your site has definitely awakened my spirit in a way that most would not understand. I say that because my name is Tamara also. When ANYONE googles “Why do I keep seeing my name?” YOUR site comes up. For me, it was another astonishing synchronicity that blew my mind. I was specifically shocked because I did not notice until the end of the article where you signed your name. Mind = BLOWN.
OMG this is absolutely wonderful I am so fortunate to have come across this post on today Wednesday March 18th 2020 the year of 366 days of the number 4 vibration I so happen to have seen my name twice today within 30 minutes one was spelled correctly as how mine too is spelled both on two different license plates and both with cars close by with the numbers 4-4-4 on them after reading this post the one who is the author said with love Tamara that is also a derivative of my name therefore this is the third time again seeing my name oh my gosh my universe is telling me I am on the right path and to unleash all of the spiritual awakening that I have self taught myself along this journey of an experience that I will never change for in a million years I am so blessed to have been a part of this planet and I am so grateful to be able to be the lightworker who knows that I’m a part of the rebuild of humanity to come because we will have heaven right here on Earth… humans be safe be strong and allow your faith to guide you this is no time for fear only belief in your God repent and you shall be saved namaste.
I have a name you would not normally see. Jamie is not only not common but even less for a female. I have been seeing my name many times over the last few weeks and when I read your article it made everything ok and I can say that it made sense to me and really spoke to me about my life at this time. Thank you.
Oh my.. I just saw my name today twice then I saw your comment with the same name. This is the 3rd for this day.
I was upset and the next thing I know, I start seeing my full name all over the ceiling (it’s the type of ceiling that is kind of choppy). I started shouting in front of my boyfriend, “It’s a sign, It’s a sign, I can see now”. And then I burst out into even more tears. Then I saw my name slightly in the smudges of the bathroom wall. This had just happened as I am typing this. I thought I was losing my mind. And I started thinking I was going to die or something considering this never happened to me before. Though before this started I have been seeing 1:18, which is also my birth date and I have been seeing 11:18 repetitively over the last 2 years. But I could never understand why I was seeing it. Then I googled “why do I keep seeing my name everywhere?”, and sure enough this was the first article I came across. After reading this, it made more sense to me. I feel a lot calmer now that I understand. Thank You!
Thank You🙂
You’re welcome <3
Tamara, thank you for your clear and gentle explanation. It has eased the turbulence within.
Love and peace to you.
I have been seeing my name for weeks in different circumstances and capacity. This literally hasn’t ever really ever happen to me, and it has been throwing me off. Honestly…it has been freaking me TF out until I read this thread. I legit needed this energy today. Peace & blessings 🙏🏾
Thank you for this information. I keep seeing my name and hearing my name a lot lately first it started with a song then I’ll see a post online , a show I’m watching somebody name is Ashley etc. I’ll say Ashley is an outdated name very common in the early 90s now you barely hear the name , but lately I’ve been hearing it I also see the numbers 11:11 or 1:11 . I’ll definitely look more into a light worker . Thank you!
Thank you this has really made my day ❤️
This is so very true dor many years I have experienced synchronicities dor years it was the number 13 and the star signe Sagittarius and I experienced alot of trauma with this number and this star signe I dont see this much now but lately saying that last wee I’m constantly hearing my name on tv adverts game shows and movies I chose to watch at one point I was actually questioning weather I was crazy or becoming unwell but I know isnt the case after reading your article over the last 3 years I have become alot more spiritual in my beliefs and am very intoned with my soul and other peoples energies I have stop doing alot of things I used to ie pubs smoking weed lol and being in situations that just alter the balance of my energy I line calmness and where as I used to nit feel exsepted by people now I realy dont care how they see me I love who I am as a person theres still things I’m working on lime feeling comfortable in my own body but that is starting to change to after reading this it has really helped me exsept I am going the right way in life thankyou for this post 🤍
his is so very true dor many years I have experienced synchronicities dor years it was the number 13 and the star signe Sagittarius and I experienced alot of trauma with this number and this star signe I dont see this much now but lately saying that last wee I’m constantly hearing my name on tv adverts game shows and movies I chose to watch at one point I was actually questioning weather I was crazy or becoming unwell but I know isnt the case after reading your article over the last 3 years I have become alot more spiritual in my beliefs and am very intoned with my soul and other peoples energies I have stop doing alot of things I used to ie pubs smoking weed lol and being in situations that just alter the balance of my energy I line calmness and where as I used to nit feel exsepted by people now I realy dont care how they see me I love who I am as a person theres still things I’m working on lime feeling comfortable in my own body but that is starting to change to after reading this it has really helped me exsept I am going the right way in life thankyou for this post 🤍
I Google the question “Why do I keep seeing my first name?” It brought me to your site. Thank you for preparing my answer 6 years before I asked. Validation is comforting. Thank you
I have a slightly different take on this stream – but am finding it rather frustrating. For as long as I can remember (from childhood and I’m now in my 50s) the number 17 always cropped up in my life – and sometimes B17 or 617. But it has been everywhere. I was born at 17 minutes past 5 (recorded) in the evening (but never really thought this to be anything special) but when I got my very first job I was given office B17; my bank account and sort code numbers have a 17 in them (at the end); and my new UK passport arrived, number ending 17 – to name just a few. However, over recent weeks I have experienced another oddity. Before our youngest was born and we were name choosing, I was in love with the name Zoe. My husband didn’t want it but I just loved the name and it worked with our surname (which, as a colour, can be a struggle!). Anyway, I managed to have another boy (!) and so it didn’t matter. Since we came out of lockdown (and we have 5 businesses in hospitality which have suffered) I keep seeing the name Zoe. Then last week we employed two new members of staff at different sites, but both called Zoe. and then on my walk home tonight I saw a car registration plate (UK) ending ZOE. I don’t really understand the link, but I have most certainly been struggling personally over the last few weeks. I wish I knew who Zoe was/is?! So, not my name, or the name of one I have had a meaningful relationship with, but some kind of synchronicity, on a different (?) scale. Thank you for all your guidance x
Soooo… Okay so today out of nowhere a Gray feather falls right on me. So I right away go the books. It says change is coming. So now.. I’m laying here at almost 3 am can’t sleep realized I have noticed my name everywhere and this article pops up. Everything in it spoke to me. So crazy!! Thank you!!
Very cool Lacey, sounds like you are doing well and things are looking up <3
Hi Tamara, thanks for this article. Life has been more down for me than it has been up the last few years. So for the last 4 months I have been doing a lot of meditating, cleaning and self acceptance and over the last two weeks I have been seeing and reading about people with my name everywhere. So I googled and got to your website.
Sorry you’ve been going through so much <3
Keep up the good work of your meditations and self-care, it really does help.
Wow i google this and see we have the same name 💓
So I have a pretty common name. Growing up, there was always another kid in my class with my name. Now as an adult, there’s always at least one other person with my name at nearly every place I’ve worked. Even a close family member on my husband’s side of the family has the same name as I do. However, 9.9 times out of 10, I see it spelled with an H: Sarah. But today, I saw my name at least three times throughout the day spelled “Sara”, which is the way I spell it.
I Googled “I keep seeing my own name” or something along those lines, and find this article… which happens to have been written on my birthday. Also, I’m not a huge fan of my name, and have often daydreamed about changing it. What name did I decide I might change my name to, if I ever get the chance? Tamara. What. Is. Happening!?
lol. thanks for sharing Sara. There’s no coincidences, so sounds like you are in alignment ~ keep your thoughts in line with what you want and keep up the good work!
Thank you for being you Tamara.
Best wishes, Kerry
Thank you Kerry <3 <3 <3
Wow I’ve googled About seeing my last name before around December of 2020 and didn’t see this in the results. I keep seeing my last name. I have seen it literally about a 1000 times in the last 18 months. I am so glad I seen it again tonight. I just downloaded a new crossword game very first crossword puzzle had my last name. So I went to Google and asked again. I am very comforted by finding this article in search result. I can relate 100% and this is the answer I’ve been needing and can finally accept
I love it Theresa!
Thanks, and thanks for reply!
I have a question: What if I keep seeing my name, and like you said, feel different than what I show, but I recently have wanted to change my name to something else? Does it mean I should change my name? Or is it telling me that I should keep it? Thank you! – A very confused human
Hi Lydia,
I feel like it is telling you it is okay to change your name if you want to.
Sorry it took me a few days to reply to you.
love, Tamara
Hello I also have been seeing my name over and over…been seeing 1111 plus 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 1010 all sorts of numbers …waking at 333 am and seeing all sorts of numbers on license plates..I am an uber driver…I picked up a pastor and his birthday is 09/09 mine is 9/10 Virgo…I have also been seeing 910 and 911 alot …saw my name on a trailer headed this way …then I picked up the next person and I was telling him the story and he told me he was a seer and his birthday was 09/13 and his sisters name was Patricia like mine …can anyone help me with this …
Sorry I didnt see your comment before now Patricia. It sounds like someone is trying to tell you something. With all those synchronicities I’d say it sounds like you are on the right track. Keep learning and connecting to your Higher Self, your ascension is speeding up.
Much love, Tamara 💕
Thank you so much , i’ve been going thru a huge release stage in my life and been extremely focused on myself and my growth , so happy I found this page because for the last couple weeks my name has been blasted and I left it alone as long as I did just to make sure that it was a synchronicity
You are very welcome. ❤️ I’m glad you are focused on yourself and your growth. Keep up the good work!! 💕💖
I see everyone saying they see there first name,but I see my whole name over and over
I saw my name in the news this morning, just spelled differently; later, I read two comments by two people on social media, same thing.
I was curious as to why, and clicked on this article written by Tamara, which happens to be my middle name!
Ha ha, that’s awesome!! Glad you found it! 😁💖