Here is your free Angel Card Reading for this week, June 15-21, 2015

For the Beginning of the Week, Your Angel Card is:


Archangel Jeremiel

Archangel Jeremiel

Life Review ~ Archangel Jeremiel:  “Take inventory of your life, and resolve to change or heal anything that’s unbalanced.”

“It takes courage to look at you life.  Yet, if done with compassion and a sense of humor, you’ll grow and learn from a life review.  I’ll help you take stock of where you’ve been.  We’ll look at what you’ve learned, and how these lessons are a valuable asset for today and tomorrow.  We’ll also notice life patterns that aren’t serving your highest good, and we’ll take steps to release those patterns.”


Your Angel Card for the Middle of this Week:


Archangel Zadkiel

Archangel Zadkiel

Teaching and Learning ~ Archangel Zadkiel:  “Keep an open mind, and learn new ideas.  Then, teach these ideas to others.”

“You are a spiritual teacher and an avid learner.  Learning and teaching are linked in a perfect cycle, in which information comes to you when you need it.  Teach others about the topics that awaken your passions.  The more you teach, the more your lessons are reinforced within yourself.  Be open to sharing new ideas, and learning about topics that aren’t in your immediate sphere of interest.  Your students will teach you in many ways too.  Trust in your teaching and learning abilities, as your mind is one with the Divine Mind of God.  Your are an intelligent and wise being.  Know that it’s safe in this lifetime for you to be outspoken in your teachings.”

Your Angel Card for the end of the week:

Archangel Haniel

Archangel Haniel


Moon Cycles ~ Archangel Haniel: “Notice how the moon affects your energy and manifestations, and capitalize upon these cycles.”

“The full moon is a perfect time to release anything you’re done with the new moon is the time to focus on manifesting desires and intentions, and the evening before the full moon is optimal time for healing, and for recharging healing instruments such as crystals and oils. Spend time looking at the moon, and notice how you feel in relationship to its cycles. As you discover the moon’s connection with your vitality and mods, you’ll be more in touch with its Divine magic.”


If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective and help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.

If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.

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