There is another really interesting energy dynamic happening right now on our world and I want to share it with you. I strongly suspect that this will really resonate with most of you reading this.
There are millions of you on earth that are seriously evaluating who you are. From trying to decide on what your name should be, to deciding what you want to do (who you want to be) next. This is coming from a place of knowing that its time to step into your skin in a new way.
It is related to the changing of dimensions, the light code downloads, and the merging of other dimensions into this one as well. We have been going through changes for decades, but since the early 2000’s its been more extreme. Then again in 2006 and 2012 huge shifts. Those are not the only ones but those are the ones that most can relate to in the biggest way.
As for ‘given names’, I myself, was named Tamara when I was born, but went by Tami (or sometimes Sam) for most of my child and adult life. About 12 years ago, I started going more by Tamara. I have many friends that just know me as Tamara, not Tami. A lot of people now call me Tam because they don’t know which to call me. I could really take or leave being called Tam, and for my work am sticking to Tamara. When I introduce myself in a crowd that has nothing to do with my work, I may end up just going back to Tami.
There is a certain energy in my personal life that ‘likes’ Tami. My professional life of doing readings has a different energy to it and prefers Tamara most of the time ~ not to mention that’s the name on my website 🙂 .
I was talking to someone very close to me about this (us humans really defining who were, who we are and who we want to be, including our names) and she is observing the same thing about her name. She has been looking in the mirror in the mornings and stating “I am…” She is not sure how much she really embodies her name. She’s feeling like she’s waking up from being asleep for a few years and just getting back into embodying who she is (or was before our energy got all wonky in the early 2000’s).
Are you noticing this too? I’d love to hear comments from you.
Who are you anyway?
It is not just our names that are being evaluated, it is who we are right down to our core essence. You have gone from being in a sheeple state, to ‘becoming enlightened’ and searching, to now really beginning to embody this new energy. Its time to decide who you want to be now.
We are in a completely new energy and our manifestations are coming faster than ever. With the change in the energy on our planet it is so much easier to play with the universe, or be magic, and manifest fantastic things for ourselves.
So what is it you want to be?
I have noticed some other ways this change in “Who am I?” is manifesting as well:
Here are just a few of the more common ones, but really the change can be anything.
- Mom’s are becoming ‘a woman’. They are still mom’s but they are focusing more on who they want to be for their kids instead of floundering in their own lives. It is no longer necessary for a woman to lose herself in motherhood. She can embrace motherhood while still being herself.
- Single career women are deciding to become mothers.
- Dad’s are becoming ‘men’. Not just men who are going to work or being dads. Dad’s who were not there for their kids are trying to be more present and enjoy their moments with their kids. Some are re-evaluating their work and relationships with others as well.
- Some of you are finding it very hard to come up with something to follow “I AM”. (not that anything needs to follow the words ‘I am’, but you really don’t know who you are).
- Workaholics are calming down (some even quitting their jobs to follow their passions)
- Some people are just up and moving to another part of the world
- Young people are going for ‘experience’ over ‘schooling’ (some of them doing very well at it)
Chances are if you think back to who you used to be you probably won’t recognize yourself at all. The stresses of life have gotten to you over the past few years and EVERYTHING has changed. You’ve been going along the past few years dealing with crisis after crisis. Letting go of one thing after another; jobs, relationships, even ‘ways of being’ in the world. You have been reinventing certain aspects of yourself over and over.
You are wondering who you are now. You do not recognize the person from 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago. You don’t recognize the person you were 2 years ago or last month. What is going on? Where am I? Who am I?
You have been living your lives through other people and their expectations of you. Of what society says is the thing to do. You’ve been living in whatever way you had to to deal with your circumstances.
With the changes in the planetary energies and the infusions of light that have been hitting you on a very deep spiritual level, many of you are really beginning to know that there is more to you than meets the eye. More than you ever dreamed possible.
You are finding that you need to re-define many aspects of your life just so you can feel comfortable. Its like you have been wearing shoes that do not fit for years, and you’ve just been given the most comfortable shoes you’ve ever worn.
You aren’t even sure what to do with them. They feel good, but you aren’t sure if you should wear them outside. What if they get ruined? What if they don’t “fit” with the weather or your outfit? What if, when you wear them out in public you get judged?
Thing is, it doesn’t matter. Allow yourself to be comfortable in who you are (in your new shoes), it doesn’t matter if they match your outfit (that is just how other’s perceive you and that no longer matters), nor does it matter what the weather is like (you will be you no matter what is going on ‘outside’ of you, and you WILL be okay). You cannot ‘ruin’ your new shoes, they are yours ~ they signify who you are in this world and you can change, but you won’t ever be ruined. And once you realize how good those shoes fit, you really won’t care what anyone else thinks because you will find so many other people wearing the same or similar shoes to you.
I really hope this explains why you are feeling the way you are feeling. It can feel a little bit discombobulating to realize that you aren’t who you thought you were, but I assure you that once you step into who you really are you will be so very happy.
So take some time to ponder who it is you would really like to be. Write down some hopes, dreams, wishes of what you would like to see manifest in your life. You will feel better, and believe me, when you really trust the guidance you get from your Higher Self, you will pleasantly surprised at what it shows you to help you get to your next steps.
If you need someone to help you look at your life from a fresh perspective or to help you listen to your Soul or help you navigate changes in your life, to see if the changes you are considering are supported by Spirit, a psychic reading can help. You can contact me here.
If you want to hear what others have said about their readings you can check that out on my Psychic Reading Testimonial/Review page.
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Hi Tamara, very interesting topic and I definitely appreciate that you mentioned about names we are given at birth and by our friends and coworkers. We are definitely more then just a name or pretty face. It’s time to be who we really are!
Loved this blog!
Using your analogy, I have those new, comfy shoes. How wonderful they are! I wore those ill fitting shoes for so many years, the discomfort was my norm. Consciously and not, I was trying to get myself to a better state. I think I have got it!
Thanks for your dedication to these daily articles. I appreciate it!!
I am glad you have your comfy shoes Vicky!
Thanks for sharing! <3
Hey Sister in Light,
I like my name. I am DANA. I have always liked my real self, but sometimes found it hard to express who that was. Not so much these days, it’s pretty clear who I am. Happy to say, my hopes, dreams and wishes have hardly changed over the years, except perhaps, to become even clearer over time.
Thanks for sharing and helping! Keep those blogs coming! I look forward to my daily dose of ‘Tamara’. xx
Thank you Dana
Great post today my friend that is exactly how I look in the mirror today.
Can’t wait for tomorrow’s post.
I kind of wondered about
the name thing. I can remember
on most of the jobs i had back in the
70’s 80’s and on how, for some strange,
reason people liked calling me Donnie.
Didn’t matter to me but my name is Donald
so I’m use to Don, by my friends, and Donnie
by the people I worked with and for…
it’s weird because I’ve never told anyone
what to call me. I always introduced
myself as Donald…your post was
very thought provoking…
Thank You