Empaths and Psychic Vampires ~ It isn’t always what it seems

Okay, so this post is for all of you that can relate to being an empath.  You can see what an empath is here. I am a HUGE empath.  I feel things from friends, family, emails and phone calls.  I am constantly having to ground my energy and consciously disconnect from...

Angel Card Reading for the Week – July 20-26, 2015

Here is your free Angel Card Reading for this week, July 20-26, 2015. For the Beginning of the Week, Your Angel Card is:     Archangel Haniel (Glory of God) – live at your highest potential:  “Trust and follow your renewed passion in your love life and...

The Physics of Vibration Becoming Reality

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know that I am always saying “thoughts are things” and “intention is everything”, and that our thoughts create our reality via our vibration and our feelings and our actions. I came across this...

Motivation; Reward or Self Sabotage?

Do you set goals?  Do you ever reach them?  How often do you “REWARD” yourself? If you don’t set goals, why not?  Are you afraid you won’t reach them anyway so why bother?  If that’s the case you probably have a hard time getting what you...

Controlling your vibration

Have you forgotten that you are a vibrational being?  That you can control your vibration, and that you can get what you want with the Law of Attraction if you are aware of your vibration. Most humans have forgotten they are vibrational beings, and they are acting...