Happy Halloween ~ Clear Energies Tonight!

  I have done a check-in with my peeps and the energy for this evening feels pretty good.  There is not a lot of drama in the day so it should be a reasonably calm day and evening. Of course, there will be some people who are a bit impatient, and yes, there will...

One Step Forward Two Steps Back

I have a lot of you coming to me saying that this is how you feel.  Like you start to get somewhere and then all of a sudden you are propelled backwards and you feel worse off than you were before. It doesn’t need to be that way.  What is it you are trying to...

CFS, Autoimmune Diseases, Fibromyalgia and Friendships…

I have read a few articles circulating on Facebook the past week that walk you through “what a real friend” looks like. One of the things I have noticed that these articles have in common is that they will say, “If your friend is constantly too busy...

Super Full Moon in Taurus – October 27, 2015

So this is our third Super Full Moon in a row (August, September, now October), and the last one for a while. Many have been feeling the effect of this moon since the weekend (Saturday even).  Some may be feeling a little impatient.  This is partly because we’ve...