Have you recently met one of your guides?

We are living in such amazing times.  The veils are thinning and many of you are beginning to see things.  Maybe you keep thinking you are seeing something out of the corner of your eye, or you see shimmering things, or shadows, or any other number of things that you...

Why is it important for you to clear your energy?

We all pick up on the energy of other people, places or things.  If you are reading this you are likely more sensitive than a lot of people.  You are all intuitive.  You walk into a place and can feel if it feels “nice”, or “homey” or...

Angel Card Reading for the Week – Oct 19-25, 2015

Here is your free Angel Card Reading for this week, October 19-25, 2015 Overview of the energy for the week: Page of Water (could this imply a new government for Canada?) A new person or emotion-rousing situation enters your life.  It could be the start of a...

Release your fear of change

Short post today, but I think its an important one.  Things are changing.  Things are always changing, but there are times where things will change more quickly than others.  This is one of those times.  Think of how different things have become since this time last...

Do You Know What You Want?

Do you even know what it is you want from your life? Many people don’t.  They know they want things to be different, but they have no idea what different might look like.  They sometimes try to define themselves by what makes other people happy. If this is you,...