Personal Power, Self-Sabotage, Being Brave, and Artificial Intelligence

I got off to a weird start this year. I had so many things come up in the first 10 days of January that I didn’t get time to make the 2024 Video for you until a week ago. It is now finally done, though! 🙂 So, if you want to see some of the energies and themes coming up for 2024 you can watch my latest video here, 6 Powerful Things You Need To Know To Make 2024 A Successful Year! And okay, so I know I look a little tired in this one, but the show must go on at some point, right? LOL!

POWER and SUCCESS: I often talk about how powerful we are. But power isn’t always what we think it is. Just as some people think of “success” as just money, sometimes people think of power as just control over someone else. That is not what I mean by power. We have the power to create who we are. Our thoughts are energy, and that energy is what creates. Therefore, we are powerful creators. We are doing it with our thoughts and feelings. We can’t do it to someone else. It is within us.

SELF-SABOTAGE doesn’t really exist. It’s simply old programs and ways of being that we have not decided to change yet. Our brains can change. Use affirmations. This is your power: “MY affirmations work whether I think they do or not.”

Our Peeps mentioned this in my last video, and I’ll mention it again. STOP FOCUSING ON WHAT YOU DON’T WANT. There’s so much being put out on social media about what is going to happen … the people who want those things to happen and who know how we create are doing it on purpose.

STOP POLARIZING everything with the pick-a-side, us-against-them mindset. It is the best way to divide and conquer, not unify, and remember our oneness. If we are not divided, we cannot be conquered.

BE BRAVE: Not because things are going to be bad and scary, but because things are going to change whether you want them to or not. Growth comes outside of your comfort zone, so we need to be brave because we will be outside our comfort zones.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Just like online shopping and social media algorithms, artificial intelligence is learning from us. I’ve seen on socials that when asked, Alexa is saying that there won’t be an election because there will be WWIII. If your Alexa is saying that, it’s because that’s what it is being fed. Start feeding your AI more positive things.

With Love and Light,



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