Full Moon in Virgo on February 24, 2024
If you are seeing this, you are meant to hear the message right now.Â
When I channel these videos for you, I always trust that those who need to hear the message will hear the message. I channel from multiple different sources. Collectively, I call them my “peeps.” This includes guides, angels, Source Energy, and our higher selves.
Leading up to this Full Moon in Virgo on February 24th, you may have felt like (or still feel like) disconnecting from things. It’s important to nurture yourself and get outside and ground your energy. This is what we all need right, if you find yourself disconnecting ~ at the least get yourself out there and connect with Nature.
You aren’t required to wait until things fall apart in order to change your trajectory. What if you allowed yourself to just be who you want to be? It’s time to stop doing things simply because we think it’s a ‘means to an end’, or just what we have been taught (or programmed) to do. We can actually just live, feeling as if we are there already, and things will fall into place for us. All it takes is to get quiet and go within and stop judging yourself or where you are now.
With Love and Light,
💗 Tamara Â
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