Our Guides Say, ‘You Need To Hear This’!
Everything Is Out Of Control
I asked our spirit guides for this guidance because almost everyone I know, and (almost) every client I have had this month is struggling with this. I have also struggled with this a little bit lately. Although, I know this stuff and can usually navigate my way through it, even when my ego fights it a bit.
Allow The Chaos
Everything is out of control right now!! You need to let it. Let it be out of control. You can’t control it anyway. There’s a tsunami of change sweeping the planet as we write this, and many of you are feeling it. You must relinquish control. The harder you try to hang on, the harder life will feel. Things are bubbling up, both inside and outside. Especially outside. You cannot stop it. You cannot control things that are out of control. All you can do is control how you decide to BE through the changes.
Simply Surrender
There’s something to be said for surrender. Just floating atop all the chaos that is around you. Don’t sink into it by trying to grab onto old paradigms. You won’t like your results. You won’t like how you feel. All you can do is let go, and allow what is going to happen to happen.
Trust Your Process
Trust in your process, in your high self, in your God. You have been asking for ascension, for higher realms, for heaven on earth. Your chance is here. The ONLY way to have that is to let go of everything. Letting go of things doesn’t mean that you lose everything. It means that you gain a sense of Peace. That what is meant to stay in your life stays, what is meant to go, goes.
It’s Okay To Mourn
It is okay to mourn the loss, but you need to let it be a loss. Without emptying out, you cannot have anything new come in. That is the energetic law. It is from this place of calm acceptance that all that is yours and good will come to you. You must trust this with all your heart.
If you are already good at doing what’s in this video, you probably feel really good right now. If not, then this can either help you.
Much Love,
❤️Tamara Hawk and our Peeps
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