Stay High Vibe and Above the Clouds of the 3D
It’s been a while since I have sent an email or done a video or been very active on my social channels.
I haven’t abandoned my work; I’ve just been reevaluating a lot of things. I’m sure many of you have been doing the same. Mars is retrograde and it often slows things down. It has us going within and figuring things out. It can feel like we’ve been hibernating at times. I myself am also coming up on my Saturn Return, which always brings big (sometimes uncomfortable), changes.
I will be honest, in December I was ready to quit. Quit everything, my whole business, my life’s work that I have been doing for the last 20+ years. It’s a lot of work, and I was even thinking of just getting a job so I could work less. I even went so far as to embrace my inner cynic for a couple of weeks.😂😂
I took a couple of weeks off and spent a few days around Christmas out of town with my son. It felt really good to just disconnect from things and simply “be”. It felt so good in fact that I’ve kept doing it on a certain level for the last month.
I have been getting back to basics and I have been doing a lot of one-on-one readings and counselling, and it has felt so good. I am an extrovert; I love being with people. I need people. When I am connecting for people, it is always from a higher state, one of love. And that is my favourite place to be.
I will do videos and social media things again, but I know its okay if I continue to do what I’m doing for now. The energies will change for all of us over the next weeks. My peeps are reassuring me of this.
Another thing I’ve discovered, is that in the second part of last year, I was in the 3D world a little too often. I’ve shared with you before that I spend the majority of my time in the 5th dimension. The dimensions are simply an energy, a way of being. A vibration. Essentially, by spending more time in the 3rd focusing on earthly things I had lowered my vibration somewhat. This was partly caused by my assistant of eight years moving on to another job and me focusing on the 3D part of my business from a 3D perspective, instead of from inspiration.
I had to get to a point within myself where I could do the logistical things from a place of happiness and inspiration instead of a place of just doing it because it needed to be done. I am not good with deadlines and external time. I prefer to work with the energies rather than force human time on them.This part is still a work in progress. You (and I) will know I’ve got there when my inspiration to create and share comes back full force. Its starting now, or I wouldn’t be writing this.
I have no negative judgements about any of this at all. As a matter of fact, I’ve been fascinated by observing it. Sometimes we need to go through things so we can reevaluate what we want out of life. I am grateful for where I am right here, right now. What in your life is wanting to shift? Are you listening to your inner voice that is trying to guide you?
It was interesting going so far back into the third dimension, but I’m done with it now. The past weeks have been all about getting back to who I really am. Connecting with my team of astral helpers, and my own higher self, and my God. Are you feeling this too?
2025 is going to be a year of changes, of intensity. If you can embrace your higher energies and have a bigger perspective of why things are the way they are, without judgement, you will have an easier time of it.
Things are not “good” or “bad”, they just “are”. Its all a matter of perspective. Your life is, and will be, what you perceive it to be and what you make it.
Let me know if I can help you through this process.
Last year I had a bit of a “special” of 3 appointments with me for $500. I am going to offer this again. These can be in person or on the phone. If you are wanting to take advantage of this just hop on over to the contact form on this site and send me a message and we’ll get you signed up. Last day to sign up for this is January 22
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