21-Day Energy Clearing and Healing Worldwide Experience
Starts March 14, 2025What is the 21-Day Clearing and Healing All About?
Claim Your 21 Days of Energy Clearing and Healing
Starting on March 14, 2025, easily raise your vibration with this transformative, healing, blockage releasing, cord cutting and chakra balancing, 21-Day Energy Clearing and Healing Experience! The final day of these 21 days of loving, light, and healing energy channeled directly to YOU and for you will be April 3, 2025.
We will clear out anything (old energies, blockages, etheric cords, etc.) that is no longer serving your highest and best good and infuse your energy with new Light. It doesn’t matter where on planet Earth you live, you can take part in this long-distance Worldwide Energy Healing Experience!
And the best part is there is NOTHING you have to do!
Claim Your Spot ↴
What is the 21-Day Clearing and Healing All About?
Starting on March 14, 2025, raise your vibration and gift yourself with this life-changing, energy healing, blockage releasing, cord cutting and chakra balancing, 21-Day Energy Clearing and Healing! The final day of these 21 days of loving, light, and healing energy channeled directly to YOU and for you will be April 3, 2025
We will clear out anything (old energies, blockages, etheric cords, etc.) that is no longer serving your highest and best good and infuse your energy with new Light. It doesn’t matter where on planet Earth you live, you can take part in this long-distance, Worldwide Energy Healing Experience.
And the best part is there is NOTHING you have to do!
Secure Your Spot ↴
This March...
What would it be like if you could no longer find that negative feeling?
Are you ready to feel better and move on from what is holding you back in life?
Are you ready to heal, let go, and clear out energy that is no longer serving you?
What would your life look like if the energy were different?
What Gets Cleared in an Energy Clearing?
Each 21-Day Energy Clearing and Healing experience is unique to those of you that are in it, but over the past Energy Clearings some of the things that have come up for clearing are:
- Aura cleansing and clearing
- Chakra balancing and activating
- Chakra clearing and healing
- Energy cords or hooks (etheric cords)
- Energy from your home
- Heart and High Heart work
- Issues from childhood or parents
- Issues from past relationships
- Karmic issues that you no longer need
- Money patterns
- Past life issues and attachments
- Relationship patterns
- Sometimes clearing a workspace or vehicle
- You may find physical ailments receive healing as well
- We also clear up anything you may pick up along the way. I myself clear my energy daily (much like having a regular shower). You will have your energy cleared and cleansed daily during these sessions.
I never know for 100% certain what will come up for the group until I sit and do the work! This is just a list of common things that have come up in most of the prior Energy Healing Experiences, it certainly isn’t limited to this list!
I am really excited for everyone who will be taking part in this Energy Healing Experience!
Guarantee your spot here↴

What Do I Have To Do?
There will be very little you need to do. Just show up energetically and be open to the healing that will take place.
To show up energetically, all you need to do is:
- Make your payment below using the “Buy Now” buttons
- Close your eyes
- Take a few deep breaths, and
- Set your intention to be included in this experience.
- You DO NOT need to listen to 20 minutes of audio every day.
- You DO NOT have to sit and be quiet at a set time.
- You DO NOT need to login to listen to or attend anything.
Just set your intention and the Energy Clearing and Healing will work no matter what you are doing ~ you can be sleeping, working, driving, on vacation, eating, or playing and the energy will work!
Your Winter 2024 Energy Healing Experience Registration includes:
☆ Free eBook
☆ Meditation video link
☆ Energy cord cutting and downloads and light code activation
☆ Empowering and informative Energy Healing email updates throughout the 21 days
After the 21 days, you may continue to see and feel changes in your life for weeks and even months afterwards~ Send me messages here and via email. I would love to hear how you benefited from this Energy Clearing and Healing Experience!
If you choose to enhance your Energy Clearing and Healing Experiences you can:
- Every day, listen to the short meditation work I will be providing for you (less than 2 minutes and optional).
- Write a list every day of 3 things that you are grateful for, followed by writing thank you, thank you, thank you (also optional).

This is a distance, Worldwide Spiritual Healing Experiences ~ This healing energy work is accessible worldwide because energy has no boundaries ~ space or time! The intention is that you will feel things shift in your energy and in your life. Whether you need mental, emotional, physical or spiritual clearing, this can help.
While you will receive periodic, group email updates with empowering perspectives about the energy work being done as a whole, you will NOT get personalized information on your past lives or specifics of what energy is being cleared or healed. If you want a PERSONAL READING or ONE-on-ONE ENERGY HEALING you will need to book that separately.
So, if you want to clear out your energy and have assistance with healing, GET IN ON THIS ONE!!!!!
CLAIM Your Spot here ↴
This FULL-length energy work experience will support your spiritual awakening and healing journeys leaving you feeling lighter and clearer to manifest better things for your life!
LEARN MORE about what is included in your registration and see what others say about these transformative healing experiences. Online Registration is now open!!
This SPIRITUAL HEALING EXPERIENCE will easily, powerfully and gently help you release and clear energies from the past, download much-needed upgrades and energy and infuse your chakras and aura with renewed light and inspiration.

Why Energy Clearing?
Everything is energy, including your emotions and feelings. When we do this energy work with and for you we clear out the energy of things that annoy you. Once the energy is gone it is much easier to feel good. When you think of that (sad, angry, annoying…) subject it doesn’t have the same energetic pull and it feels different. You may even wonder why you even cared in the first place. When we clear the emotional energy, it clears the way for physical energy to move as well.
One of the biggest pieces of feedback that I get from people who sign up for these energy work experiences is that things that used to really set them off no longer have any energetic control in their lives.
This is simply because we remove the energetic cords and any dense energy clouds that are not serving your Highest and Best Good. Cords can be to a person, place, situation, past life, old karma, etc., and they can have a big impact on your life. Dense energy clouds are simply energies we have picked up along the way that have stuck around ~ These can be from places, emotions, people, circumstances or anything really.
The cost of this 21-Day Energy Clearing and Healing Experience is $111.11 USD.
This healing energy work can help you to transform your life. Take some time and read what others have had to say about past Worldwide Energy Clearing and Healing Experiences below.
“Wow — this is a great program! The 21 days being a participant in Tamara’s Energy Healing and Clearing has been truly amazing! Tamara facilitates powerful energy healing on so many levels. I experienced continual healing and letting go, and openings, and I know it continues. My physical energy is moving so much more freely.
Hi Tamara,
I wanted to thank you for your help and that I am really glad that I participated in this healing group. Over the last 3-4 weeks I have had many physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental shifts. I actually feel different. My mind is quieter, I’m seeing and sensing people and situations differently now, less in fear, more at peace. People are seeing and reacting to me differently as well.
WOW! What a revelationary and truly clearing and healing experience! The Universe definitely answered my call with this one! Tamara Hawk’s format is so easy and so accessible; all that was required of me was to remain open to the process, process what was revealed to me and mindfully release what was no longer benefiting me, (so much easier to do with the strength of Tamara’s energy work on a daily basis).
“Thanks, Tamara,
I am peeling away layers of discord like an onion with ups and downs over the last 15 years however in the 21 days I felt the changes towards more clarity, direction, less aggravated without hurting myself in any way. In the process of being supported by you, any growth happened with ease and grace. So much so that you can put my name down for next time.”
Signed up for 21 day cleanse in 12/2015, with no expectations. Never dealt with this or a psychic medium before. It wasn’t expensive and I was curious, being on all sorts of medicines for a year caused me to just close up, and I felt very anxious and scattered.
From day one, I could feel each area of the body that Tamara was working on, and I began waking up each morning at about 5:15 am with a clear head. Didn’t listen to both conference calls until final days of cleanse so didn’t get in on journaling or breathing exercise, but the energy came through anyway.
A huge event for me was the spontaneous absence of emotional pain when dealing with an issue from 45 years ago, and the deep anger I felt over it. The people were still in my thoughts, but there was no hatred or anger, and now I rarely think about them at all.
Dear Tamara,
Thank you, very much, for doing the 21-day group energy clearing with those of us who signed up for it. I’ve been to so many people for chakra clearing/balancing, energy work, energy shifting over the past 5 years, but it’s through your work that I finally achieved the breakthrough. I listened to the group conference calls you held, and read/studied/appreciated all of the status update/explanatory emails you kindly sent to us throughout the 21-day process to explain what you worked on for us each day. You really did a lot to shift the energy. You focused on different aspects every day (chakra balancing, relationships, money, etc.), which resulted in a very comprehensive overall treatment. It’s through your help that I have finally achieved a huge breakthrough shift in energy. I feel incredibly calm and at peace now, regardless of the behavior of other people toward me.
Are you ready for a new beginning?
This distance, 21-DAY ENERGY HEALING WORLDWIDE Event starts on the New Moon of DECEMBER 1, 2024, and goes through our Winter Equinox (or the Summer Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere). We are starting this one on a new moon because new moons are great for new beginnings, fresh starts, and intention setting!
Are you ready for a new beginning?
This distance, 21-DAY WORLDWIDE SPIRITUAL HEALING Experience starts on the New Moon of December 1, 2024, and goes through our Winter Solstice (or the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere). We are starting this one on a new moon because new moons are great for new beginnings, fresh starts, and intention setting!
Join Us for Your Energy Transformation
- Are you ready to raise your vibe and release energies that you simply no longer need?
- Are you ready to live the life you came here to live? To live your purpose?
- Are you ready to take a step forward (even if you are nervous about doing so?)
- Do you just want to clear out any energies, attachments, and blockages picked up from others over the past few months or years?
If so, this Energy Clearing and Healing Experience is for YOU!
Save Your Spot here↴
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