7-Day Mini Energy Clearing and Healing Session

Join me for 7 Days of Energy Clearing and Healing
We (your guides, my guides, angels, higher self…) will remove energy cords, heal, clear, activate your chakras; release past life issues, add in much-needed positive downloads, and infuse you with Love and Light energy.
We will clear out anything (old energies, blockages, etheric cords, etc.) that no longer serves your highest and best good and infuse your energy with new Light. It doesn’t matter where on planet Earth you live, you can take part in this long-distance Energy Clearing and Healing!
The best part is you can be anywhere in the world, doing anything else, and THERE IS NOTHING YOU NEED TO DO for this powerful yet gentle healing to work!
It seems we are all needing some extra support because my peeps are telling me ~ “people could benefit from another mini-session very soon”.
It seems we are all needing some extra support because my peeps are telling me ~ “people could benefit from another mini-session very soon”.

Many of you are experiencing a lot of changes and are needing to let go of things. Taking part in these energy work sessions helps to move the energy along and helps you to feel calmer as your life goes through its required physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic changes.
This is a one-off that is separate from my normal 21-Day Energy Clearing and Healing (the next full session will be announced here and on social media. Follow that link if you want more information on how this mini session will work. Or to read testimonials). However, you can always book your one-on-one, distance or in-person, Private Energy Healing here.
This Mini Group Session is simply to help you clear out the clutter that is in your energy field. Not everyone (almost no one) has the time or inclination to do energy work every day, and that is where these sessions can really help. You get the energy work done for you!
There are so many changes going on with our planet I think taking advantage of any help we can get right now is a good idea.
Already know you want in on this one because you have been in them before and know how they feel? Or, if you just want to get in on a discounted session to try it out, you can do so here. The price for this 7-day session is $44.44 USD.

Many of you are experiencing a lot of changes and are needing to let go of things. Taking part in these energy work sessions helps to move the energy along and helps you to feel calmer as your life goes through its required physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic changes.
This is a one-off that is separate from my normal 21-Day Energy Clearing and Healing (the next full session will be announced here and on social media. Follow that link if you want more information on how this mini session will work. Or to read testimonials). However, you can always book your one-on-one, distance or in-person, Private Energy Healing here.
This Mini Group Session is simply to help you clear out the clutter that is in your energy field. Not everyone (almost no one) has the time or inclination to do energy work every day, and that is where these sessions can really help. You get the energy work done for you!
There are so many changes going on with our planet I think taking advantage of any help we can get right now is a good idea.
Already know you want in on this one because you have been in them before and know how they feel? Or, if you just want to get in on a discounted session to try it out, you can do so here. The price for this 7-day session is $44.44 USD.
Don't Miss This Opportunity
This Mini Group Session is simply to help you clear out the clutter that is in your energy field. Not everyone (almost no one) has the time or inclination to do energy work every day, and that is where these sessions can really help. You get the energy work done for you!
There are so many changes going on with our planet I think taking advantage of any help we can get right now is a good idea.
These are GROUP energy healing sessions. You will not get personalized information on your past lives or specifics of what energy is being cleared or healed. If you want a PERSONAL Reading or ONE-on-ONE Energy Healing you will need to do that separately. Read what others have said about the energy clearing and healing sessions below.
Tamara, I was very interested in signing up for the 21 Days of Healing.
The problem i have is that i think about these negative thoughts from the past and i immediately start biting my index finger on either hand.
In the past my index fingers looked terrible. My wife would often not even hold my hand because of the roughness and the calluses on these two fingers.
I have tried other things in the past. I have gone to fire ceremonies and smoke clearings done and they did work temporally. But in the end, i always came back to these negative thoughts.
I can be sleeping and in a very deep sleep and the second that i get up, i have these negative thoughts going through my head. I jump out of bed and bite my finger and walk around and then i have trouble going back to sleep because of all these negative thoughts that i have going through my head.
Sometimes, i may get up at 3 am and not get back to sleep again and then i get up at 5:30 am to go to work. I drive to work and during this drive, i think about all these negative thoughts from the past and i bite my finger while I’m thinking of these thoughts.
Why am i having all these negative thoughts from the past and why are these thoughts the main focus the first thing in the morning?
What can i be thankful for:
#1 I always said that “love’ was one of the most important things in life. I love my wife and my wife loves me and we do all sorts of things together and we have family and friends that love us.
#2 We are living in a Vacation area and working so it’s not costing us much to see all these great vacation spots since we are living in the middle of it all
#3 Our health is still good and we are thankful for that.
From the very start of the 21 days of healing I wrote down all the things that i was thankful for and i honestly have a lot of things to be thankful for.
I do notice that i do not have negative thoughts first thing in the morning and i do not have all these negative thoughts on my drive to and from work. My fingers have never looked better. The best they have looked in the past say 7 years or longer. They still have a long ways to go but they are looking better and better.
Do the negative thoughts still come up? Yes they do but not nearly as often and only for very short periods of time. Tamara you told me to a flip on these thoughts and i am doing that and it all helps. So when a negative thought comes about, i immediately think of a positive thought and this negative thought just goes away.
So what i have learned up to now is the present and the future are important. The past is the past and it doesn’t matter anymore. There is no sense thinking about how could i have changed the past. The past is done and all over with. I have to think about the present and the future and where all of that is going to take me.
Today is January 4th. I noticed today that there was no negative thoughts and no biting the fingers and relaxing ride to and from work. And this has been the norm. And i am very thankful for that.
Thank you very much Tamara for helping me.”
Ron Javorsky, Utah
Hi Tamara! And Happy New Year!
The last 3 weeks has been a real game changer for me, to say the least. I have learned how effective this energy work and healing really is. The biggest reason why I joined the 21 Day Energetic Healing and Clearing was to get help with grounding my energy in general; or my lack of energy and over abundant energy (at the same time) to be exact. LOL! I have discovered that attitude & gratitude are my key components to having my energy grounded, healed & “realigned”. I can literally feel the change, the shift, and the healing. Thank you for working through it with us.
Each day as I did my gratitude work & contemplation time (yes I discovered I do my best meditation lying down & I am OK with that) the things that I had been holding onto for such a long time just lifted and released. Especially the relationships that were not serving me and the negative thoughts I have had for years around them. My mantra through the last 3 weeks when I got any kind of stinking thinking as I call it, is to tell myself, “IT”S NOT MY MONKEY!” then let it go and change my thought: like I would change the subject if I didn’t want to talk about something. And it works. I have had to let go at least in my own mind some family relationships that became one sided on my side. And I have come to the understanding that if they are to be rekindled it will have to be from their side. I can’t give out to them anymore, but I will most certainly if they want to breathe some life into them. And although it is not the norm for me I am OK with it. I have accepted that reality. For me that’s pretty much my whole battle is to get out of my own way and leave things be.
Since about the first week or so I have not had the exhausted – energy serge in my body; I still lay down a lot but I do my meditating instead of sleeping. I don’t feel depressed like I did, that has almost totally lifted. I have also realized that because I am empathic I need to cleanse my aura, my chakras etc. more. I live in a 55+ condo (we are actually a registered village in Abby) that has 500+ people residing and I think Ron & I are the youngest ones here. The average age is like 80 and I feel there is a lot of negative, depressed vibes that maybe get passed to me, psychically. We have only been here like 2 years and all of this really bad depressed, negative energy etc. stuff for me started really bad when we moved in here. So I am going to start smudging a lot and really soul cleansing often during the day to get rid of any residual crap from others in our little village here. I always feel better after doing a reading because I release any energy that I have tapped into. So that’s something huge & wonderful I have learned in the last 21 days.
Prior to these 21 days the feeling was one of real indescribable urgency. Like if something didn’t shift I would literally explode. Around mid-December I had a really bad surge of energy and it physically hurt, like crazy. I even went for a drive and ended up at my sons place and he could notice I was really in pain. So I explained the feeling, like restless leg x a million through my whole body. So I went home, went to bed and woke up the next day at a normal time (7am) with a completely different feeling, a real calmness. I knew whatever was pent up for so long was gone, done and finished with. And I did my gratitude work that day with a whole different exuberance! Pretty much every day since I have been able to go to bed early (by midnight LOL!) and get up at a decent time, by 8am with a whole different mindset. That’s the key for me to change my mindset. My circadian rhythm is actually starting to get in sync. I have decided I need to make life about me first, then bring it out to my surroundings. If I am not centered and balanced I can’t help anyone. I am a helper & a nurturer. I am a healer. Man that makes my soul feel good to say that. I have always said it like I was ashamed of it or afraid of what people would say about it. I have always questioned it but after these 21 days it is as clear as crystal for me. I have been a healer all my life. That is my soul purpose for this life and the ones gone past. But I have to be OK first, and then I can bring it to others. I think maybe this is why I have been learning how to effectively deal with my own energy so I can help others to learn to deal with theirs or be able to clear theirs for them so they can take the next steps?? There is always a reason why we have experiences right?? Oh man I am so grateful beyond belief for this light bulb moment and your help!!
I have always been a vivid, in color, full on dreamer and it has magnified during the 21 days. Going forward I will record them nightly. I get a lot of my visions and answers about life & healing from my dreams, both waking and asleep. I can literally ” awake daydream” something into existence. Weird but true. I will be doing more studies on this because it is such a HUGE part of my life. I always said if I had a nickel for every novel I could have written just from the story lines I’ve dreamed I would be rich. Well maybe there is something more to it. Since I started the 21 days the dreams are even more vivid (didn’t know they could get any more real & vivid) and quite prophetic but I don’t know the relevance of them yet. Maybe it can aide me more in my Tarot readings??? We shall see; but my mind is clearer and it feels so, so, soooooo different. Pinch me please!
I am really looking forward to the next 6 months or so rather than dreading even stepping foot out of bed. That right there alone has been worth the 21 days.
With much love and blessings to you . . . Star*
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