by Tamara Hawk | May 22, 2014
I first met Archangel Nathaniel in the Spring of 2003. I was a single mom of a 2 year old boy, a supervisor in a welfare office, and had gone through many huge life-changing events over the prior 4 years. I had new things, losses, deaths, changes, adjustments, (not...
by Tamara Hawk | Feb 1, 2014
We are going through some interesting times indeed. There are so many energetic changes going on. They have been happening for quite a few years now and every time the energy shifts, our lives change. With every shift in planetary energies, I get new clients...
by Tamara Hawk | Jan 5, 2014
Funny title I know. But really, I know and am working with a lot of people who are moving into the 5th Dimension with Gaia. This is wonderful news, it is so nice to see so many of you learning to tap into your own intuition, and to start learning about the Law Of...
by Tamara Hawk | Jan 4, 2014
Both, neither, depends on where you are on your journey. We have been in the 5th Dimension for quite a long time now (since the end of 2011). In the 5th, it is easier than ever to consciously create for ourselves. Things are changing for sure. As a planet we cannot...
by Tamara Hawk | Nov 30, 2013
I have been blogging for close to ten years now. Some of you have been with me the whole time, and I would like to thank you for reading. For those of you that are newer to my blog, thank you for reading and please take a look around my site. There are some really...
by Tamara Hawk | Sep 28, 2013
Things continue to shift and change. There are a lot of us who feel as if we are in an in-between place. Intuitively we know that things are changing, but this time trying to see specifically what they are changing into is tricky. Some of you are confused as to what...