Could It Really Be “On Earth as it is In Heaven”?

I had something really interesting come up in my meditation today and I wanted to share it with you.  I was actually meditating in the truck on the way to a soccer game this morning (my husband was driving). Our world is changing, we know that.  Many people online are...

What is DNA Activation?

With all the energy alerts I have been doing lately I have mentioned our DNA a few times.  I have also been channeling a lot of information about love and about creating our reality. I have used the words “our DNA is changing”, I have referred to other...

Are You Being Who You Really Are?

There is another really interesting energy dynamic happening right now on our world and I want to share it with you.  I strongly suspect that this will really resonate with most of you reading this. There are millions of you on earth that are seriously evaluating who...