Learning To Recognize Your Dominant Vibration

Laws of Attraction and Assumption Truths.. For Better and More Positive Manifesting I know that you may know this already, but it bears repeating: our manifestations always show us where our vibrational set point is pointing to whether we pay attention to it or not....

Your Vibration Manifests Your Reality

Your inner vibration needn’t be conditional It Is to trust and that things are ALWAYS working out perfectly and in your favour. Manifesting 101 Stop listening to people who have gotten rich off teaching “theory” when they really have no idea of the energy behind...

Don’t Let Your Past Define You

Many of us have been taught by society that humans are inherently bad.. This is simply not true. Some of you may feel undeserving because of your past. Your past is your past. You did what you thought was the thing to do at the time. Maybe you were a jerk ~ that is...

Learning How To Honour Your Emotions

What would it be like if you could no longer find that negative feeling? No longer felt stuck or blocked? Everything is energy, including your emotions, feelings…vibration. You can either allow your emotions to flow and go. Or you can block your own energy and get...

6 Amazing Energies You Need To Know About For February 2024

February’s Energetic Forecast If we choose to GO THROUGH something, we need to GO THROUGH IT without attachment of exactly HOW it will end up. We need to TRUST that we will end up EXACTLY where our soul intended us to be. If you have received a Reading or any...

Are We There, Yet?

I had to laugh at myself the other day. I’ve known that there are a couple of moves I need to make in my life, or that are coming whether I’m ready or not, LOL. But they aren’t quite here yet. My peeps told me a few months ago, “Don’t worry about it, you’ll know...