Energy, Awareness and Judgement

Everything is energy. What is it that you creating with your energy? Whatever our intentions are is the energy we will create for ourselves, and the energy that we will attract to ourselves. This is backed up by science, Quantum Physics to be exact, but I won’t get...

Things shouldn’t be this way

That is a very powerful sentence. Think of the energy behind it. It really doesn’t matter what should or shouldn’t BE. All we have is what IS. That’s it. Focusing on how things should or shouldn’t be, just keeps things the way they are. If you find yourself saying...

Do I NEED a Psychic?

The answer to this question is no. You don’t need me. I probably don’t need my accountant either. I chose to use an accountant because it is much easier for me to hand my books over to a professional.  I have no desire to study for years so that I can do...

When Your Day Seems Out of Balance

When your day seems out of balance And, so many things go wrong. When people fight around you and the clock drags on so long… When most folks act like children, and fill you with remorse, Go out into your pasture. Wrap your arms around your horse. His gentle...

My Favourite U-Tube Video of the Month

I thought this one was pretty good, someone emailed it to me so I thought I’d share it with you.  A palindrome reads the same backwards as forward. This video reads the opposite backwards as forward. Not only does it read the opposite, the meaning is the exact...

Fear, Anger and Frustration

Sometimes in your quest to be “Spiritual” you may forget that you are a human being, with other feelings. There is this quest to feel joy and love all the time. As much as this is something that feels good once we get there, do not forget that there are other feelings...