Intense Energies Energy Alert

Our Guides Say, ‘You Need To Hear This’! Everything Is Out Of Control I asked our spirit guides for this guidance because almost everyone I know, and (almost) every client I have had this month is struggling with this. I have also struggled with this a...

Spiritual Healing Downloads

Experience A Powerful Quantum Shift Today! We’ve got 2 Triad Cards this time! Just in case you missed this transformational healing energy from earlier this month, here are some more quantum energy upgrades and downloads. Remember, these clearing and...

Mars Retrograde Energy Update

Turning Inward with Mars Energies Gift Ideas and My Christmas Holiday Closure It has been an interesting couple of weeks. I slid on a bridge about 10 days ago while hiking and bruised my knee quite badly. It is healing exactly as it should, but I haven’t been...

April 2024 Solar Eclipse Energies

Are You Feeling This Unexpected Solar Eclipse Energy? A little April energy update for you. Are you feeling this unexpected solar eclipse energy early? There’s a lot of unsettled energy, during this eclipse time, don’t fall for it. Your fears, your thoughts of the...

Don’t Let Your Past Define You

Many of us have been taught by society that humans are inherently bad.. This is simply not true. Some of you may feel undeserving because of your past. Your past is your past. You did what you thought was the thing to do at the time. Maybe you were a jerk ~ that is...

March 2024 Energy Forecast

Your March Guide To Energy Transformation Be Brave Enough To Change; Be Courageous Enough To Transform For the past few months, perhaps since around December, these messages have been similar ~ not exact, but there are similarities. It is because the time is NOW. For...