by Tamara Hawk | Jan 23, 2021
I do these videos ‘on the fly’ and without notes. I mention healing others. I am a facilitator of healing. Healing comes THROUGH me, from you yourself and from God, not just from me. I simply misspoke and didn’t want to ditch the whole video just...
by Tamara Hawk | Jun 2, 2018
We are in a new energy now. It is time to let go of the past. NOTHING that came before NOW matters, NOTHING. Not your mistakes, not your triumphs, nothing! Everything is brand new. Trying to hold onto the past, or getting stuck in your attachments will really mess...
by Tamara Hawk | Jul 28, 2017
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor. I will not tell you that anti-depressants don’t work. I am NOT a medical doctor and I am NOT telling you that you should stop listening to your doctor. I am NOT telling you to go off medication, if you are on it. I am...
by Tamara Hawk | Feb 13, 2017
This is NOT a negative feeling, but I think that something big is going to happen. I’m just throwing this out there to see how many of you have been feeling the same way I have, or have been getting the same messages I have. For weeks, or months I have had this...
by Tamara Hawk | Feb 2, 2017
I’m going out on a limb here, but I am sharing this for any of you who feel good but are afraid to say anything, lest you get attacked. I am NOT pissed off at our world. That’s it. I’m simply not. I refuse to be, and I will not be. I’ve been staying off social...
by Tamara Hawk | Nov 6, 2015
Change is so hard, yet it is so easy. We are so habituated to our patterns sometimes that any deviance from those patterns can make us feel uncomfortable. That is the hard part, the discomfort of doing something differently. The easy part is that once you change...