Change always starts with YOU

I know I write about change a lot, and our world is changing for sure and it is changing in the most wonderful ways. I have been getting a lot of emails and messages from people lately and they ask me when things in their life will change.  For sure I can see...

Release your fear of change

Short post today, but I think its an important one.  Things are changing.  Things are always changing, but there are times where things will change more quickly than others.  This is one of those times.  Think of how different things have become since this time last...

Its the First Day of Autumn Today

Happy equinox!  Its a change of seasons, and that brings a change of energy. Now is a good time to balance your energy.  Imagine you are standing at a crossroads.  You must follow your heart.  Release all that does not serve your highest and best good. If you are not...

Could It Really Be “On Earth as it is In Heaven”?

I had something really interesting come up in my meditation today and I wanted to share it with you.  I was actually meditating in the truck on the way to a soccer game this morning (my husband was driving). Our world is changing, we know that.  Many people online are...

Decision Time

So, its time to make a decision.  Do you want to continue to feel the way you feel right now?  If you feel good, you will probably say, “Yes”.  If you feel bad, you will probably say “No, but…” “But, I can’t feel good because...