by Tamara Hawk | Jan 18, 2015
If you are “average” and you set a new year resolution, chances are you have given it up by now. Sounds kind of depressing doesn’t it? Don’t despair though, you will get what you want, maybe its just not in January 2015. You probably just...
by Tamara Hawk | Jan 14, 2015
Are you stuck in your comfort zone? Are you bored as hell in your life? Do you wake up some mornings and wonder what this is all for? Do you contemplate running away from home to some place more fun? If so, you are probably stuck in your comfort zone. I was...
by Tamara Hawk | Jan 7, 2015
Last year was a tough year for sure. Everyone had some sort of big challenge. Whether it was financial, work or relationships, our Souls are being prepared for more. In the last 4 months of 2014 many relationships ended for people ~ this is due to the energy of the...
by Tamara Hawk | Jan 1, 2015
Make Sure Your New Year’s Resolutions Are Really Yours So often in our lives we do things simply because we think it’s what we should do. Or what society or other people in our lives think we should do. When you make a decision to do something and it is based...
by Tamara Hawk | Jul 13, 2014
We are in a great time of letting go right now. Starting new things…. again. This has been happening over and over for the past few years. I don’t even know how many blog posts and energy alerts I have put out over the past 10 years that say the same thing. It is...
by Tamara Hawk | Jun 3, 2014
“Your thoughts create your feelings. Change your thoughts, your feelings will change.” Did you know that over 95% of the thoughts you have today are the same thoughts you had yesterday and will have tomorrow? That is a lot of repetition. Repetition creates...