by Tamara Hawk | Oct 22, 2012
What an amazing time we are going through. The energies right now sure seem intense to most of us. Last year was a time of letting go for most, and this year has been a time of exploring new things. This can be really uncomfortable for those of you that do not embrace...
by Tamara Hawk | Oct 15, 2012
God does not want you to be unhappy. I talk to so many people who think that when they are going through a tough time, it is karmic, or because they have somehow done something wrong. Some think that God is punishing them, or that they have no reason to be ungrateful...
by Tamara Hawk | Sep 14, 2012
I would really like to clarify something about the future, “fortune telling”, psychic readings, talking to, or hearing from your guides, loved ones, angels etc. You are a co-creator. To ask a psychic or clairvoyant what is going to happen in the future, without being...
by Tamara Hawk | Aug 11, 2012
Over the years, I have been told by hundreds of people how positive and empowering my readings are. To see some of the feedback, you can look at the Psychic Testimonials on this page. I have had clients tell me that they have had readings from others before and they...
by Tamara Hawk | Jul 20, 2012
You are powerful. You create your reality whether you wish to believe it or not. I have said many times before, everything is energy. Our brain waves are energy, therefore our thoughts are energy. We are constantly bombarded with messages that tell us we are...
by Tamara Hawk | May 17, 2012
In my last blog post I mentioned that I was listening to the Your Wish is Your Command CD series. I have finished the CD series and am now working on some of the free training on the Global Information Network website. I am so stoked about all this. Its the most...