by Tamara Hawk | Jul 4, 2015
We don’t always all have the same truth. Everything is a matter of perspective. I think the world is getting better, that is my perspective. I know a lot of people who think it is getting worse, that is their perspective. We get what we are vibrating. We get...
by Tamara Hawk | Jul 2, 2015
The power of prayer. I am sure you have heard of this before. Prayer really does work. Groups of people can pray over a sick person, or on a certain situation and it has been proven that there are changes with the power of prayer. We live in a quantum world. ...
by Tamara Hawk | Jun 29, 2015
Yesterday I wrote a blog post about our need to take it easy and relax this weekend. I heard from a few of you that you have a really hard time just letting go and allowing yourself to relax. You get so wound up in your head and your thoughts that you cannot even...
by Tamara Hawk | Jun 12, 2015
I really wanted to share this with you. Many of you who read my blog are empaths. I am an empath. I have written about being an empath before, but this is another perspective from Esther Hicks channeling Abraham. I have always said that we can control our gifts. I...
by Tamara Hawk | Jun 8, 2015
You are not broken, although there are certain aspects of life on earth that are. You have spent so much time trying to improve, repair, release, and figure out what is wrong with you ~ you have convinced yourself that you need to be ‘fixed’. What if...
by Tamara Hawk | May 29, 2015
What do you do to relax when you have some downtime? Watch TV? Read a book? Play video games, sit on your phone on Facebook or some other game or social media? The energy this week has been a little strange to say the least. I did an energy alert the other day...