Video of the Month by Hannah Shotbolt

So I wrote a blog post the other day You are God, and Jesus was a man. I came across this video titled “You Are God” and I enjoyed it, thought you might as well.  Note, the video is slightly controversial and she curses ~ a lot.  So if F-Bombs bother you,...

You are God and Jesus was a Man

Yes, I just said that out loud.  I have known this for a really long time, but it’s not something that I have stated out loud publicly like this.  I think it’s time though.  I speak my truth, and if I lose a reader or two that is okay.  I have come to realize that you...

Do You Appreciate Yourself?

You are always hearing about the need to appreciate what you have and to appreciate the people in your life.  How important it is to show gratitude and appreciation. But, do you ever take the time to appreciate yourself?  Do you ever really think about what you do on...

Am I an Empath?

Most people are familiar with the word empathy, however, there are many souls on earth who take empathy to a whole new level – these people are actual Empaths.  Some of my clients are empaths and don’t even know it. What is an empath? An empath is someone...

What if…?

What if you really could have anything you want? When you are thinking or talking, and you say “What if….”, what do you follow it with? Do you follow it with all your fears and the things you do not want in your life? Thoughts are energy and create our feelings.  Our...

You Can Feel It – Energy Alert – August 2014

It’s time to move.  So many of you feel the urge, the pull, the desire to change something.  Anything.  The NEED to change your life or move forward, and you are terrified! The energies of the moment are pushing you to start moving.  Sometimes the energy feels like a...