by Tamara Hawk | Jun 3, 2014
“Your thoughts create your feelings. Change your thoughts, your feelings will change.” Did you know that over 95% of the thoughts you have today are the same thoughts you had yesterday and will have tomorrow? That is a lot of repetition. Repetition creates...
by Tamara Hawk | Apr 19, 2014
In 2008 I met a couple and did readings for both of them, separately, a few months apart. Paul asked me to do an interview for him, so I did! Below is the interview from 2008. Since the time of this interview, we have become friends but prior to 2008, I did not...
by Tamara Hawk | Apr 1, 2014
Have you been waiting for “The Big Event”? Many of you thought that Dec 2012 would be it. There always seems to be some date floating around where everything will change and we can all be happy and live in peace. Some think, ‘Armageddon’,...
by Tamara Hawk | Feb 18, 2014
I need to start this post with saying that I respect your beliefs and, I respect the fact that you have a religion you follow if that is the case for you. I don’t ‘belong’ to an organized religion myself anymore, but that was a personal choice I made once I started...
by Tamara Hawk | Feb 1, 2014
We are going through some interesting times indeed. There are so many energetic changes going on. They have been happening for quite a few years now and every time the energy shifts, our lives change. With every shift in planetary energies, I get new clients...
by Tamara Hawk | Jan 5, 2014
Funny title I know. But really, I know and am working with a lot of people who are moving into the 5th Dimension with Gaia. This is wonderful news, it is so nice to see so many of you learning to tap into your own intuition, and to start learning about the Law Of...