What Can You Love?

It is so easy to observe and judge things that you do not like. You are so busy, or so tired, or so disillusioned with life that sometimes it just feels like the world is full of unwanted things. And it is. But it is also full of things that you do want. Our thoughts...

How to Feel Better Right Now

I guarantee that no matter what your circumstances are in life, you CAN feel at least a little bit better.  Our thoughts are things, and our thoughts are energy, and they control our life. More than 95% of the thoughts that you had yesterday are the same thoughts that...

Energies, Spring Solstice, March 2013

Super Extreme energies today. Power surges. Can you feel it? I am more excited about the Spring Solstice than I was about Dec. 21, 2012 (I actually wasn’t excited at all about the end of the Mayan calendar). I have been channeling information and telling people...

You are Powerful

You are powerful.  You create your reality whether you wish to believe it or not. I have said many times before, everything is energy.  Our brain waves are energy, therefore our thoughts are energy. We are constantly bombarded with messages that tell us we are...

Relationships and Your Heart Chakra

Over the past few months I have written a lot of posts about letting go. A lot of them were directly related to relationships that have outgrown their purpose. There is one more that I have written that will be included in this post. I think it will be the last one of...

Part 1 – How Much Control Do You Have Over Your Life?

This blog post is Part One of a Two-Part Series. I write and talk a lot about you having control over your own life. A lot of clients ask me “How much control do I really have? Are some things just destiny, or meant to be?” What about the things you really want, but...