Abraham Hicks on Money

So I came across these two videos and thought I would share them with you. They are Esther Hicks channelling Abraham and they are both related to money. These cover off debt and money in relationships as well. They won’t be for everyone, but if your financial...

The Physics of Vibration Becoming Reality

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know that I am always saying “thoughts are things” and “intention is everything”, and that our thoughts create our reality via our vibration and our feelings and our actions. I came across this...

Wherever you go, you bring your vibration with you.

We don’t always all have the same truth.  Everything is a matter of perspective.  I think the world is getting better, that is my perspective.  I know a lot of people who think it is getting worse, that is their perspective. We get what we are vibrating.  We get...

Part 1 – How Much Control Do You Have Over Your Life?

This blog post is Part One of a Two-Part Series. I write and talk a lot about you having control over your own life. A lot of clients ask me “How much control do I really have? Are some things just destiny, or meant to be?” What about the things you really want, but...