Just Who Are You Letting Off the Hook?

So you have someone in your life that has been a jerk to you.  Maybe they owe you money, or maybe they have done something really mean to you, or done or said something that hurt your feelings, or left you in the lurch in some way. If you were to make a choice to let...

The Best Channels of October 2010

Happiness comes from within, I wrote this blog post in 2010 and it still applies today.  What makes you happy?  Are you doing it?  If not, why not? Don’t Let Anyone Tell You You Aren’t Happy There’s so much talk these days about what makes people happy. ...

Revisiting some older posts from September 2010

A lot of the channels I get just don’t expire.  The message might be from 5 years ago, but it still applies. They will apply more for some than for others and that’s okay.  We are all in this together and we all hit certain points of our Ascension at...

Only Live till Bedtime

I know that is a funny title for this post, but I do have a point with it.  Most of you are so stressed out, and so busy and so ungrounded that your anxiety levels have gone through the roof.  Or maybe its gone beyond that and you don’t have the energy to feel...

What Makes You Happy?

So a friend of mine asked the question on Facebook, “What Makes You Happy”.  There were a TON of responses.  Here are some of them.  Not necessarily verbatim, but the gist of what people said: I start by choosing to be happy and count my blessings Taking a...