by Tamara Hawk | Feb 4, 2015
One of the best ways to get more of what you want is to practice gratitude. Do you practice gratitude? If you have a tendency to EVER say “I am grateful, but….” Then sorry, you aren’t practicing gratitude. Just adding the word but in there...
by Tamara Hawk | Feb 4, 2015
Do you ever feel not quite yourself, or feel a little bit down and wonder “What is wrong with me?”. Your answer to this is probably yes, I think we all go through this at one time or another. The thing is, often there really is nothing wrong with you....
by Tamara Hawk | Jan 13, 2015
If you are reading this, you are most likely at least a little bit different than certain segments of the population. You are different than people who don’t believe, or are afraid of alternate dimensions for one. You might be different than your parents, your...
by Tamara Hawk | Jan 12, 2015
We’ve all heard it … “Live in the Now”. Why though? Why is it important for us to live right where we are? Some people simply live in the past. Everything they do is based on what happened before. From your present state of awareness, you...
by Tamara Hawk | Sep 19, 2014
You are always hearing about the need to appreciate what you have and to appreciate the people in your life. How important it is to show gratitude and appreciation. But, do you ever take the time to appreciate yourself? Do you ever really think about what you do on...
by Tamara Hawk | Sep 2, 2014
What if you really could have anything you want? When you are thinking or talking, and you say “What if….”, what do you follow it with? Do you follow it with all your fears and the things you do not want in your life? Thoughts are energy and create our feelings. Our...