Removing Seborrheic Keratosis with Apple Cider Vinegar

So this is a little different than some of my posts, but last year I was looking all over online for pictures and/or proof of this, and I had a hard time finding anything. I decided last year to do an experiment on myself, and this is my experience with removing...

Lies I Was Told About Getting Older

I’ve been thinking about this subject for a few weeks now, I will be 47 at the end of June 2013, which I do not consider to be old.  Some of you in your 20’s will beg to differ with this opinion, and some of you in your 60’s and 70’s will...

Exercise, Blood Sugars and Feeling Better

I came across this video this week and wanted to share it with you.  It is by Dr. Doug McGuff and in it he speaks about exercise and blood sugar levels.  He has written a book called “Body by Science” and mentions it in the video, but it is NOT a sales...


I am not a doctor. This post is based on a combination of personal experience, messages I have gotten for clients that have, or think they have fibromyalga, and speaking with friends who have been diagnosed with fibromyalga. It is amazing how many people are suffering...

A couple of 2009 "News" Stories I Disagree With

Don’t believe everything you read in the paper or see on the news. The media seems to have a way of spinning things so that people end up being mis-informed about things. Its as if some people on the planet that don’t want us to be healthy and free of fear will tell...

Intention Heals Project

I received this email last week and wanted to share it with all of you.  I think it is a very interesting event and the results may end up surprising you.  What one feels, all feel. We are all a part of the same energy. I am looking forward to seeing the results of...