Conciously Create Through Awareness

Look within to create the life you want. The Law of Attraction is real.  It isn’t often taught in the right way, but it does exist.  Thoughts are things, they are energy, energy creates.  What we think about is what we attract and create.  What we focus on we create. ...

What if…?

What if you really could have anything you want? When you are thinking or talking, and you say “What if….”, what do you follow it with? Do you follow it with all your fears and the things you do not want in your life? Thoughts are energy and create our feelings.  Our...

You Can Feel It – Energy Alert – August 2014

It’s time to move.  So many of you feel the urge, the pull, the desire to change something.  Anything.  The NEED to change your life or move forward, and you are terrified! The energies of the moment are pushing you to start moving.  Sometimes the energy feels like a...

How to Get Through a Time of High Stress

If you are feeling very stressed out, and feel as if you are having a meltdown, or like you might be going bonkers, hopefully this post will help you. Step one.  Realize that it will pass.  During times of high stress or anxiety it is easy for us to keep thinking...

Which Path Should I Take?

Sometimes it really does not matter all that much which direction you decide to head in.  No matter what happens through your lifetime, you CANNOT FAIL on your journey here.  We are here to have experiences, to live life to the fullest, to enjoy ourselves, and to...