Which Path Should I Take?

Sometimes it really does not matter all that much which direction you decide to head in.  No matter what happens through your lifetime, you CANNOT FAIL on your journey here.  We are here to have experiences, to live life to the fullest, to enjoy ourselves, and to...

My Guides are My Life Coach

Over the past few months I have been blogging a lot about Creating.  Creating our own reality, creating our lives.  I have been coaching and mentoring for quite a few years now, and I decided that maybe I needed a coach myself.  As I was looking for answers and a...

Who Said You Can’t

Stop letting people tell you that “you can’t”.  Stop telling yourself you can’t.  YOU CAN SO.  You can do pretty much anything.  It will take some ACTION but you can do it. We are so programmed to think we can’t do things.  It’s ridiculous.  It’s SAD.  Start being...

2014 A New World, or Same Old Same Old?

Both, neither, depends on where you are on your journey. We have been in the 5th Dimension for quite a long time now (since the end of 2011).  In the 5th, it is easier than ever to consciously create for ourselves. Things are changing for sure.  As a planet we cannot...

Have you forgotten how to dream?

The ONLY time we forget how to dream, is if we do not think our dreams can come true. There is nothing that we can have in this life that did not start with a thought, a Dream. Our thoughts are energy, and are very powerful. Whatever you think about you create. It is...

Are You Just Faking It?

Are you being honest with yourself? Are you being true to yourself? I mean really really honest? As much as the energy has shifted yet again in the past few weeks and many of you are moving forward with your lives and new experiences, a lot of people are still feeling...