How to Feel Better Right Now

I guarantee that no matter what your circumstances are in life, you CAN feel at least a little bit better.  Our thoughts are things, and our thoughts are energy, and they control our life. More than 95% of the thoughts that you had yesterday are the same thoughts that...

Who Are You?

How do you define yourself?  What is it that makes you you?  Do you even know anymore?  Is your definition of yourself based on what the people around you tell you?  Or based on your health?  Your financial circumstances?  Where you live?  The work you do? Who are...

Money Can Buy Hapiness

I like this video and wanted to share with you. It is Harvard Business School professor Michael Norton talking at TEDxCambridge. If you think money can’t buy happiness, maybe you aren’t spending it right. Don’t be put off by the title, its a video...

You Don’t Have to Stay Lost

There was a time when I was lost too.  I was born with gifts but that does not mean that I have never gone through rough times. We are all a part of Source Energy.  That never changes.  What does change is our ability to realize we are one with each other and with...

How to effectively shut down your life.

Just keep saying to yourself, “I know I need to do that, but can we focus on something else please?” There’s a trend that I am seeing out there with people who feel as if they are stuck in their life. The fix is so very simple, yet most of you are unwilling to do it....