You Were NOT Born to Struggle

Over the years, I have been told by hundreds of people how positive and empowering my readings are.  To see some of the feedback, you can look at the Psychic Testimonials on this page. I have had clients tell me that they have had readings from others before and they...

You are Powerful

You are powerful.  You create your reality whether you wish to believe it or not. I have said many times before, everything is energy.  Our brain waves are energy, therefore our thoughts are energy. We are constantly bombarded with messages that tell us we are...

With Gratitude

I have had a lot of personal transformations over the past year.  As most of you that read my blog regularly already know, I had a really tough time last year with my health and my energy. This is a post of gratitude for those that helped me through this time. Soul...


Happy 11-11-11 everyone. Aside from it being Remembrance Day, it is also a day of new beginnings, and a great opportunity to bring awareness into your life. When you begin seeing 11-11-11 in your daily life, it is a reminder that you are creating your life experiences...

What message do you want to spread?

I have a couple of ladies that come to visit me every couple of weeks. The one that has been coming the longest is Judy and she is a very sweet woman. We usually end up talking for about 5 or 10 minutes and they usually leave me a copy of the Watchtower or Awake. They...

How the Human Experience is Like a Vacation

I often write and talk about us creating our own reality. I know beyond any doubt that we are here to have an experience, and that we are creating it. Some parts we create before we get here, some after we have arrived. This can be compared to booking a vacation. ...