Shawn Gallaway, I Choose Love, Video of the Month

I got back from the “Celebrate Your Life” Conference in Phoenix yesterday.  I met some of the most amazing people.  One of the souls I had the pleasure to connect with was Shawn Gallaway.  Hearing him in person and feeling his energy was quite the...

Don't Let Anyone Tell You You Aren't Happy

There’s so much talk these days about what makes people happy.  Its on the news, in advertisements, at work, in self-help books, and all over the Internet.  It has to do with daily activities, work, relationships, money, what we do with our days, the list is...

Sometimes Its Hard to Let Go

That is so true.  Often, we know that something is not good for us but we just can’t seem to let go of it.  This applies to people, jobs, attitudes, past hurts, excess weight, the list is endless. We do have ultimate control over our own lives, but sometimes our...

Why does it sometimes take me so long to get back to you?

If you have never tried to contact me before, please do not be put off by that title. It doesn’t always take me a long time to reply to e-mails. Occasionally, I even reply to them within minutes of receiving them, that is, if I happen to be sitting at my...

Energy, Awareness and Judgement

Everything is energy. What is it that you creating with your energy? Whatever our intentions are is the energy we will create for ourselves, and the energy that we will attract to ourselves. This is backed up by science, Quantum Physics to be exact, but I won’t get...

Part 2 – You Cannot Control Other People or Things

This is a follow-up to my last post about Control, in which I wrote that we do have control over our own lives. Something we do not ever have control over is someone else. A lot of times you may find yourself wondering why you are in a certain situation, thinking that...