How To Create Resiliency As An Empath

Last month, a friend who is an empath, asked me about how she might create more empathic resiliency, and learn how to better transmute others’ energies instead of simply absorbing it. She was tired of feeling like she needed to protect herself every time she was...

Healing Yourself, Raise the Vibration

NEXT 21-Day Group Distance Energy Clearing & Healing Offering Starts WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2022 ~ Online Registration is OPEN Energy Clearing Removes Old Stuck Energies Helping You More Easily Release What Is Holding You Back What would it be like if you could no...

Connecting To Your Source Energy

When you are under pressure, stress or experiencing challenges in life do you revert back to old patterns? Or do you revert back to Source? Connecting to Source energy is very powerful, empowering and simple. You A Part of God Light/Source What Is Source? Source...

How To Get from Overwhelm and Resistance To Inspired Action

Ah, overwhelm will get you every time. Here’s how I get past it… Clearing Things Off Your Plate Feeling overwhelmed and uninspired with clearing things off your to-do list? You just need to start. Think baby steps. Prioritize your top 3 to-do items based...