by Tamara Hawk | Jun 5, 2015
There are people who will actually get pissed off at you for being happy. Misery loves company and they want to bring you down. They blame other people for what happens to them, and they think that you are full of shit if you are happy. If you are happy it is...
by Tamara Hawk | May 24, 2015
This is a really good audio about manifesting I wanted to share with you. Its titled “Why am I Bothered by People” ~ but its not really about that. It explains how to redirect your thoughts, why sometimes affirmations don’t work, and how sometimes...
by Tamara Hawk | May 23, 2015
Life can be challenging at times. Sometimes your challenges come from something that is outside of yourself and sometimes it comes from within. The thing is, you will always have them. If you don’t you will suffer boredom and maybe even depression. You need...
by Tamara Hawk | May 18, 2015
How important is it to know what your subconscious limiting beliefs are? I have written about belief systems before. Your conscious beliefs, and your subconscious beliefs. We all have them engrained within our minds. I would like to start by explaining in very...
by Tamara Hawk | May 14, 2015
Ahhh…. the energy has released a little bit. This week we’ve been bombarded with energies that didn’t exactly have us feeling at our best. It feels so much freer today. Anyone feel like dancing? We have been getting a lot of downloads lately. To...
by Tamara Hawk | Apr 17, 2015
It is a New Moon tomorrow. I am writing this post a day early because I know a lot of you read this at night and this post will help you for tomorrow. The New Moon is a perfect time to focus on manifesting what you want in your life. It is a good time for healing...