We cannot awaken if we are not still

This time of being inside our homes also gives us the opportunity to go inside ourselves.  To find out where our lives have not been in balance, to see that which we have been avoiding. We all have a shadow side.  One way to describe your shadow self, is to...

Energy Alert ~ March 23, 2020

Don’t let things distract you from your path. There are a lot of distractions right now. We have flipped dimensions more than once in the past 2 weeks. Originally I got that the implications of this virus would be almost over in June.  The messages around this are...

Message from Source and “My Peeps”, aka SAM

Whats up with our world ~ vibrationally speaking, March 2020 We have been asking for change.  We are getting it.  Thing is, you must relinquish control over what that change looks like.  So many of you are trying to manifest a beautiful life, and you...

Is “New Age” a Scam?

If you are an energy healer and you are not willing to refer a client to someone else, you have no business doing energy work on others’. This is going to be a little bit of a rant, but I have seen way too many ‘supposed’ healers telling people to be “positive” and...

Energy Alert ~ Dimensional Shifts ~ July 4, 2019

Just a note about readings etc. I am not doing in person readings right now. I am doing SOME phone readings. After losing my husband earlier this year, my main focus is on healing and taking care of me. I find I am often taking DAYS off from emails and desk work to...