June 30, 2015 – Planetary Energies

Our world is getting better and better.  I know a lot of you might argue this point, but if you look at a much bigger picture, it really is. We have had some very dense energies indeed running our planet.  All you need to do is turn on or read the news and it appears...

Six Reasons Why You Aren’t Getting What You Want Out of Life

In my work with clients over the years I have seen many reasons why they cannot seem to manifest what they want in life. Generally, it is because of a Subconscious Limiting Belief system, and the energy it creates in their life. Do you recognize any of these things in...

Creating Your Reality When So Much is Out of Control

Your Soul Knows I write a lot about creating your own reality, and control; and what we have control over, and what we do not. It is really easy to get wrapped up in our lives to the point that we end up in a bit of a ‘control spiral’, and we do not even realize we...

Are You Allowing Yourself to Receive?

Why is it so hard for you to receive or accept what is offered?  The Universe is extremely abundant.  There is so much available to you.  Love, money, food, housing, friends, health, the list is endless.  You all have something that you want more of in your life. ...

Raise Your Vibration to Aid the Planet

You cannot help raise the vibration of the planet, unless and until you raise your own vibration.  You cannot raise your vibration by joining “causes” that have a low vibration. ie.  “Fight Cancer”, “War on Terrorists”, “Fight Poverty” etc.  ALL of the preceding...